Welcome to Monday...

May 17, 2010 20:31

First day back at work. It was great to be back. Although, I must confess, it will take a little more time to adjust than I previously thought. Working at Klinck must have influenced me more than I thought. For example, today while I was out at the front desk, a patron came up and said, "Do you have [book title]?"

My first thought? I'm not allowed to look that up and answer that question. Oy. Vey.

Other than that, things went well. Looks like I will be given lots of opportunities again this summer and a chance to cultivate more/improve upon super library skillz. Yes. :-)

Amanda's hat is coming along.... although there were a few more snags last night, and I think I'll have to rip back a few rows to fix it this time.

I'm not surprisingly pretty exhausted after today. Went to bed too late Saturday night, and didn't sleep great last night (my friend's wedding is on Saturday. I had my official wedding nightmare about forgetting to bring stuff.... eek!) either. I think tonight will entail (finishing?! :D) reading KnitLit, and maybe early bed. Or.... something like that. I feel like I should be knitting, but I also got a quality 30-40 minutes of knitting in on the way to work today (on my hat, too! I find it's difficult for me to be a multi-project knitter.). Oh, the joys of carpooling. :-D

Saw 4 ducks in the pond today. Made my day. :-D

reading, work, knitting, library, summer

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