I am still 100% unsure of my beliefs but I do know I do not believe in God. I do however, have issues writing off heaven complelety. Not that I think eternity as one age with millions of people, just being a soul sounds fantastic but I hate the idea of things just dying and nothing else to look forward to. I think esp when it comes to animals and
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I believe in God, and I believe he is the only true judge. Who are we to judge gays, whether we believe it is a sin or a lifestyle choice? To me that goes against everything I was taught. This is where I stand on it, I believe in God...I believe there is a heaven, and I believe Jesus died for our sins. However, I will live my life, and make mistakes and when my time comes the only thing I can do is ask for forgiveness and see if I make it to heaven.
I know what you are going through, I have questioned my faith a time or two. But for me I have to believe, all the things I have been through are somehow in God's plan even if its messed up.
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