Sure, why not

Dec 05, 2007 22:20

Rumor has it the Cold War has started up again and this here blog site is no longer safe. So I hear about this thing called InsaneJournal, and know that a couple of you folks out here follow this sort of thing... So I just have a few questions.

1. What's the best way to back up one's journal, if said journal has several years worth of entries stored up? The default exporter here appears to do it the hard way- one month at a time. Is there a better client?

2. So, InsaneJournal. Do users here get to see posts there and vice-versa, or would stuff there only be viewable by other IJ users? Are they tied in some sorta parallel universe fashion?

3. Does it have an effective way of uploading the noise downloaded in #1?

I'm sure a length of time studying would answer all this for me, but I figured I'd see if any of the resident experts could save me a little time and maybe share their experience.
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