
Apr 25, 2014 13:37

Have reached unpacking boxes in the office. This led to unpacking boxes of memoribilia and unfiled papers. This led to remembering that I as going to do a sort of scrap book as a record, including the odd LJ entry and some photos of things.

Thus, I have been reading through old LJ entries.

It's a bit weird, reading some of the stuff written by me-but-not-me. It's a good record. I've done a lot and come so far, and I've discovered a lot of feelings about things that didn't really go away so much as that I stopped thinking about them in the same way.

Through it all, one thing is obvious: a lot of people travelled it with me. Support when I was down, enthusing when I was up, and respectful discussions when I said something stupid.

Thanks, friends. I love you. Even if I haven't seen you for a while; I love you, and I hope you're doing ok.
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