Fantastic Four: The Rise of Jessica Alba's Lips (No Spoilers)

Jun 18, 2007 10:52

Had a full-ish weekend as usual. As much running around as I do, you'd think I'd be thinner. Damn Wendy's and your tasty burgers.

Anyway, a group of us went to see Jessica Alba's lips on Saturday afternoon...errr...early evening...they billed the movie as Rise of the Silver Surfer. That couldn't have been what the movie was about. I mean...Jessica Alba's lips stole the show. They were so shiny and big. Ivan was right, the force fields she created came from her lips. Her blue contacts and blue eye shadow was equally as annoying. I had nightmares about her lips. They were chasing me. Taunting me. Making me their bitch. I'm still shaking. I think they will be deflated in the next movie....wait for it...making the title Fantastic Four: The Fall of Jessica Alba's lips.

Sunday, Akky and I were feeling restless so we scooped up Chris (of the LJ name with all the underscores) and headed on a road trip to Winchester, VA. Chris provided some fun music for the ride including a remix of She Bop. Fun was had by all. We were supposed to catch Ocean's 13...but ran out of time. Oh well. Maybe we'll go Tues night. If ya wanna join...let me know...

jessica alba's lips

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