The day the Xbox died (and other minutia)...

May 21, 2007 14:55

You may have noticed that I didn't post reviews of the last American Idol. Yeah. Beat-boxer bounces best vocalist. I mean, I like Jordin. But Blake? He's the ick.

The sad news of the weekend...the xbox has gone to the great electronic graveyard in the sky. We were playing Top Spin 2 (go figure) when the screen just blanked out on us. WTF. I mean really?!?! The microsoft peeps will take it back and fix it or we can trade it in for another. I think we'll follow 
cwack 's advice and just get the elite.

Ohhh...saw Shrek 3. It was funny. Just not as funny as 2. I'm noticing a trend...Spiderman 3, not as good as two. Same with Xmen. Maybe everyone should just stop at 2. Got quite a few movies to catch coming up with Transformers and Fantastic Four 2 heading the list.

Quite the social weekend ahead. Will see a lot of people I haven't seen in a while. Go me. I rock.

Oh...and thank you to
tallcubca for the rocking icon.
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