(no subject)

Aug 15, 2005 20:33

I'm broke, but welcome to the story of my life. I bought a 36 dollar hot pink suede comforter. I kick so much ass it hurts sometimes.

SPEAKING of kicking ass, we played soccer(hand use allowed, and two goalies) and I totally was the best goalie eva. My team officially sucked(we were losing 11-0) and I cannot kick a ball in front of me to save my life. However, I was appinted to goalie and I saved 11 balls! Yay! (two with my face) Like the kid would be right effin in front of me and I'd SAVE it! Dives, jumps, catches I felt fabulous. I also fell on my face picking up the ball from the ground, don't ask me how. Personal Fitness isn't all that aweful.
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