Yes this is boring, but I'm mildly depressed, so it's allowed

Aug 13, 2005 18:37

gacked from nyssane

-smoked a cigarette: Yes
-smoked a cigar: nope
-crashed a friend’s car: Neva
-stolen a car: No
-been in love: No
-been dumped: Noope. :P
-been fired: Never
-been in a fist fight: Once. I was 12.
-snuck out of your parent’s house: Yes
-had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back: Story of my fucking life
-been arrested: No
-made out with a stranger: yes
-gone on a blind date: No
-lied to a friend: Yes
-had a crush on a teacher: It's tragicly true
-skipped school: Yep
-slept with a co-worker: Nope
-seen someone die: No
-been on a plane: Yes
-thrown up in a bar: No
-taken painkillers: Yes
-love someone or miss someone right now: Yeah
-lain on your back and watched cloud shapes go by: Of course
-made a snow angel: Tried to. It's harder then it looks
-played dress up: Yes
-cheated while playing a game: Yes
-been lonely: Yes
-fallen asleep at work/school: Yes
-used a fake ID: No
-felt an earthquake: No
-touched a snake: Owned one, yeah.
-run a red light: Yes.
-been suspended from school: No
-had detention: Once. Wait, does ISS count?
-been in a car accident: A couple, yeah
-witnessed a crime: Yes
-pole danced: No
-been lost: Yes
-been to the opposite side of the country: Yup
-felt like dying: Yes
-cried yourself to sleep: I think I stopped before falling alseep.
-played cops and robbers: Ew no. US Army and Commies, sure.
-sung karaoke: Not in a public place
-done something you told yourself you wouldn’t: Yes
-laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose: Lol. Gatorade. Disgusting.
-caught a snowflake on your tongue: No.
-sang in the shower: Sure
-had a dream that you married someone: Yeah
-got your tongue stuck to a flag pole: Not a flag pole, no.... lol
-worn the opposite sex’s clothes: Yeah
-sat on a roof top: All the time
-not taken a shower for a week: Gawd no. Although I doubt I would admit to it if I did
-been scared to watch scary movies: Everytime, which is why I don't usually.
-played chicken: Yes
-been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on: Yes
-been told you’re hot by a complete stranger: Yeah.. but usually it's creepy old men
-broken a bone: No
-been easily amused: All the time
-laughed so hard you cried: Yes
-cried so hard you laughed: Yeah
-mooned/flashed someone: I don't think so
-cheated on a test: Yes
-forgotten someone’s name: All the time
-slept naked: Probablly
-skinny dipped in a pool: Nope
-been kicked out of your house: And slept in a tree
-blacked out from drinking: Yeah.. let's not go there
-played a prank on someone: Yes
-gone to a late night movie: Yes
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