So I'm moving :( I can't believe it came up that quickly. I am really excited for a lot of the stuff I will be going back to, but leaving my parents is going to be sooo hard. I just feel like I'm taking my friends and my rabbits over my family...which I know deep down isn't true, because I simply CANNOT move in the middle of my senior year again, unless I don't want to graduate. I also don't want to get my college all set here and then have my family move back without me...because then I'll be stuck here with no relatives or family. School is the big reason why I'm going, because I could have gone back a long time ago if I wanted to just be with my friends, but I didn't because at the time my parents didn't think we'd be moving back. Now they know they are, they just don't know WHEN...and I hate not knowing and not having a plan. I just don't want to make a big mistake that I'm going to regret either way.
And even though I didn't think I would EVER miss anyone here...there are some people I'm definitely going to be sad to leave. Michelle especially, you really have made this year so much easier and I really appreciate it. I hope everything goes well for you your senior year...and don't think you've gotten rid of me because I'm gonna be in Michigan. ;) I'm still going to harass you over AIM. mwahaha
Anyway, depression rant over with...there are some things I'm really excited about which I need to keep thinking about so I don't depress myself. This summer is going to be pretty amazing I'm thinking. The Charlotte night show is the day after I come back, so I'm definitely going to that.
OMG EXCITEMENT!!! I love the Charlotte shows - doesn't sound like we're going to have much of a turnout for youth Fuzzies though - Sarah has to work, Kyle has a horse show, Madeline is selling out so I doubt she will be there, I haven't talked to Hayley or Ashley so I have no idea, and I doubt Em or Julia will come even though I'm going to try my best to drag them along, lol. I'm only showing 2 though (Muscat, SSB and Merlot/Wally, SJD) Mus looks okay, Wally is still winging her ears and she's not quite finished molting, but whatever I can try and see what happens lol.
Sherry and Margaret are going to be there but they show in open - I am SO glad they're coming though cause Sherry gave me a pretty amazing deal on some rabbits, I needed does sooo bad (I only have 1 that's breeding age right now and she's on a litter). She said she would give me:
- Orange sr doe I wanted from Nationals but couldn't get, she's bred to Robin (AWESOME little tort)
- Broken sr doe (Naragon's lines - SWEET)
- Tort sr doe out of Darla, bred to a Bastet buck.
She said she'd give me all 3 for $100 plus some babies back if/when they have them. OMG. That's like $32 a doe plus they are bred already. Excuse me while I go do my happy dance now (yeah I know any of you non-rabbit people that, for some odd reason, decided to read this - probably think I'm on crack now for spending $100 on rabbits. Maybe I am. Leave me alone! lol)
Anyway if that wasn't enough, she has this gorgeous bkn blue buck that she said needs to much brushing and he keeps matting up so she can't show him - she said if I brushed him once every 6 months he'd be fine. Whoa. No problem there! So as long as I keep him brushed, show him and hopefully grand him, and give her back an occasionally baby, he's mine. Woot woot! We're going to look through some of her juniors too...bebeeees, eeee! I can't get Anarchy and the bkn fawn doe from Sarah because she couldn't get a ride for them. =( I'm hoping to get them at state fair, or in September. I've been after these rabbits since nationals lol!
Then I'm also getting a blue tort English Lop sr buck, Parker's Mishicot, from Tiffany who is coming up from OH for this weekend. I've missed having an EL around! He has 1 GC leg already and he came in 4th place in SJBs at Nationals a couple years ago.
Freaking adorable no? Yeah I pretty much love him.
Besides that...I'm going to look at a baby bkn otter Jersey Wooly from Deb Snyder because Lisa is like harassing me to get a Wooly. I have to admit, they are pretty cute. And I LOVE bkn black otters. Reminds me of Hamlet hehe. I'm going to see if I can find Frances and get a Tan too. Sue Merrit has 2 English Angora juniors available too - a black and a blue chinchilla...if she ever gets back to me I might get one of those too, haha. If it isn't obvious I'm getting some fair bunnies ready lol. That and I've just missed having some other breeds around.
Ellyn isn't going to be at the show because shes camping AGAIN. No fair. I haven't seen her since Mason, grrrr. I need a Powith fix!
After the bunny show (or before if I can get my stuff all unpacked and the rabbits set up in time) I'm gonna see mis amigas pequenas! I'm sooo excited. Me and Andrea are going to have our birthday together the week my parents come back. JUNE 28 ALL, I EXPECT PRESSIES!! lol. Kidding kidding, just ship some bunnies out my way and I'll be good. Or cages. OMG I need cages haha. So we're definitely going to be making up for lost time the next couple of weeks.
Then on Monday (well I still have to ask but haha) SHELLY IS COMING! I haven't seen her for like 2 years!! It's so sad but hey we are going to have an amazing time. I don't know what we're gonna do (cause its Owosso lol) but we'll find something!! And then umm I forget the date but I'm going to go over and stay at her house and then we're going to do SENIOR PICTURES!! With this like amazing photographer person she found. They do like the ipod pics and stuff, haha. It's gonna be awesome. And then we're going to Silver Lake in July which is going to be even more awesome. I can't wait to see my bestest buddy again!!!
And my COUSIN!! OMG we don't have a date set up yet but I need to see her again! I miss you sooo much Sierra! Hey we need to go to the place with the awesome breadsticks cause I never got to experience the awesomeness because it was closed, lol!
Okay I have a bunch of other crap planned but this is super long as it is, so I am going to finish with BABYBUNNYPICTURES. Omg cuteness.
Bkn blue tort kit (doe) - freaking ADORABLE no?
Tort kit (buck) - he is so lazy and sweet lol
I feel so used.
OMG baby bunny bum. *dies*
Okay I'm REALLY done now!! :D