Summer Romance Contest Series
8D Hello hello~ 8D Yes, you are seeing what you think you are seeing! (I'd HOPE so?) This is the first of a series of five fic contests that we will be holding here at Hug. There will be one a month, from now til September (and that sort of brings us into FALL but yanno WHAT >> iun care D:), depending on the response. Parameters will change per contest, with the first one being the broadest (I think :q).
Contest #1: MICKY
Deadline: JUNE 4, 2005 (11:59pm EST)
That's right, the subject of the first contest is MICKY. This means, the fic must feature a pairing (or other multiple >8D) a la TVXQ that directly involves MICKY.
The other parameters ARE:
♥ The fic must be shonen-ai, or implied shonen-ai.
♥ The fic may NOT be explicit, yaoi, wham-bam, PWP, PRON. This here be a romance contest? 8D;
♥ This by no means limits the amount of pre-pr0n activities that can occur >D but we're aiming for PG13. If you have no concept of what this ought to entail, ask either myself or
shinyasangel♥ The fic must be a ONE SHOT. Or at least, what you submit must be able to stand alone - if you wish to continue it later on with further chapters, you can, but you may only submit one 'part' and thus, whatever you submit ought to be able to stand on its own.
♥ Please no old material. Write something new XD
♥ Entries may be posted to the community anytime from the posting of this announcement til the deadline. The subject line MUST read "Summer Romance Contest Entry: Micky" or else you risk your entry being MISSED. Capisci? :q
♥ The judging panel consists of the following:
shinyasangel, and
sungie86 with guest commentary and input from
changmin_kitten and
narcissusvox 8D;;; AND YOU, TOO.. There will be a GENERAL VOTE, where all members will be encouraged to vote for their fic of choice. This vote WILL NOT DECIDE the winner (because like, dude >> some of you all only read OTPOTPOTP4evar omgwtf. And some of you only read your FRIENDS' fics >> and that would be... so not fair 8x) But the vote will be considered, and used as a deciding factor, if there happens to be a tie.
♥ The criteria by which the fics will be judged are as follows (and in no particular order of importance >>): characterization, originality, technical skill, and evocative power.
♥ The prize will be a banner, and recognition (aka: we link/pimp your fic out on the userinfo page because it's just that goood Xq) and there may be something else, as well. :q
♥ Deadline: June 4, 2005 (11:59 pm EST) (AKA Micky's birthday :q)
Questions and whatnot may be forwarded to myself or Layne, by commenting here, or via email or whatever other means of communication you wish to utilize in order to reach us 8D! Just some additional info, to answer some questions before they come up: no there is no length specification, but keep in mind what a one-shot generally entails. I'm sure you've read plenty. As for pairings, there are four others in the band >8q a fair selection! Let's see some innovative variety here >D Also, we realize that it is hard to have a contest where entries are publicly shared. We will keep an eye on whether ideas are being mooched, so fear not that your ideas will be stolen or built upon by later entrants. :q! But no one's gonna do that, because all of us here are all LOVELY wonderful people who... don't do that shit. xD
8D Alrighty~ HOP TO IT. Happy writing!!!! ♥