Pendragon: The Year Of Our Lord 485

Jan 16, 2012 18:24

Immediately prior to the first full session of Pendragon I set up a campaign wiki. You can read some more detail on the player characters and the events of the first session there.

Pacing was a real problem on this first session, though, and the blame rests squarely on my shoulders. The arrangement of a Pendragon session is quite different to other games and you don't need quite as much "content" to fill out a year. Not quite believing this I tried to fit too much into session one by mixing half of the "your first session" for the core book with the listed battle for the Year 485. Adding in the first Winter Phase and a slightly ramshackle use of the Mass Battle Rules, we ran longer than usual and it felt just a bit too busy.

Still, the session wasn't a total loss, as the creation of a Twitter hash tag will betray. :-) The core system remains pretty simple - though there's a bit of detail in the sub-systems that takes some getting used to. An oddity which popped up in our first mass battle (that larger battles very quickly retreat) has been noted by others on the Pendragon forums and I'll patch around it next time it occurs. I'm also going to try and move the Winter Phase stuff to between sessions to try and minimise the time required to end a session.


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