step three, will you dougie with me?

May 10, 2011 14:17

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As ambivalent as I am about the First Lady's anti-obesity campaign (I love her to pieces, but I'd much rather have it framed as a kids-need-to-run-and-play program than a fat-kids-are-destroying-America program), if we could replace the noxious Presidential Fitness Test with impromptu Beyoncé dance-offs in gym classes across this great nation, I think everyone would be less anxious in phys. ed. as a whole.

I was discussing the PFT with some people last night and I'm glad that I'm not the only one who considered the mile run a form of torture. In high school I used to walk five miles a day downtown and the concept of running an eight-minute mile still boggles my mind.

hey fatty love your fat fashion, fabulosity

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