
Mar 13, 2005 03:22

soooooo its been forever. or maybe it just seems that way because my life has pretty much drastically changed since the last time i wrote.

its funny, with everything that has happened lately I should have a ton to write about. i just have no urge to though. so ill just give the briefs...

*kayla and i moved out. i love it. its a whole new life.
*the guy i was begining to like turned out to be a jerk. but its totally cool, because there was no attachment what so ever. or as the wise angela once said..."its his way of being nice" haha
*law & order is seriously my inspiration for life. yet i currently have no motivation.
*it was good to see steve. the 1 and only reason i wish i was 21: to buy him the shot that sunday night that makes him fall over....and "die" lol
*had a long and heartful talk with angela this afternoon. shes one person that knows exactly what i went/am going through.
*went to dinner with a friend tonight. he gave me some news that...well didnt make me angry/but did..didnt make me upset/but it did...and well didnt make me cry/but i wanted to. sometimes getting over something is harder that just letting it go.
*failed my stats test..or at least i think so
*working most of spring break...which is good, then i can save for the cruise next yr =)
*my birthday is in 10 days...well 9 now
*birthday text messages on the 18th hahahahahahahahahahah god im genius!
*my tv still has not arrived. special orders suck..or maybe its just my impatience.
*congrats to my "follow me home friend"...even though you may not take the opportunity you worked for...whatever you do, good luck. (too bad looks dont get you around in the world..because if they did, you'd be president! =)
*what else????????
*going to the grave site tomorrow...never something to look forward to.
*cute girl at the nail place gave me my motivation for my next task..that WILL be accomplish.
*line at the car wash was forever long today. so i left.
*i want to hang out with Breanna!
*i want to ride around in our old van with Ashley and rev the engine at stop signs.
*I want to go running...but i dont know this neighborhood too good yet, so i dont know a good path to take.

wow. randomness..but you get the point. tomorrow defintly calls for some long overdue shopping. probly by myself..i think thats when i enjoy it the most.

welll now that its 3:30 i think i may just try and get some sleep. hope i dont wake up with too much of a headache tomorrow.
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