getting to know you...

Feb 13, 2005 20:59

ok so haven't really updated in awhile. guess it just kinda shows that my life really has been on the go..go..

this weekend was awesome!
started with thursday...details to remain secret haha but nice drives are always fun!
friday, went to applebees with alexis and her friend from tucson. then to a party where i saw EVERYONE i havent seen since like freakin forever! that was nice too.
yesterday kayla and i made it final that we're moving out. feb 26th is the date. very scared! then date party was at night. kinda sucked only b/c they seperated the under/over 21 kids and i was stuck on the shitty side. but its alright, because ONE, we looked hot and TWO we made friends lol! then we had people pick us up from the bus, which we left on the 1st one cause we were so bored. went back to alexis' and hung out. the night definetly ended better.

so tomorrow is valentines day. how shitty is it gonna be, seriously? im so not looking forward to my alarm going off tomorrow morning. the 1st v-day in quite some time where i didnt havent somebody that i cared for soo much and did the same back. the 1st v-day that i didnt have a plan or excited to give me home-made valentines card to. it sucks. what sucks more is knowing that YOU will have somebody. and i dont.

but whatever, life is life.
AND you just never know who will call you, right? i guess u gotta be optimistic in some sense.

ill keep myself busy. i got school, then work tomorrow..and then perhaps a date? FROM my favorite date-party date EVER! haha funny.

thats about it. i should probly do some hmwk..or pack? that would be fun!

anyways..thats enough.
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