Barefoot on the moon

Apr 12, 2009 20:44

So last night was my first night living at my friends' place, where I'll be for the next month and a half or so. My flights were ok at best. I still fear flying, and I'd never flown by myself before. It has always been with family or with Rob. I held it together until we were about a mile away from the airport. I started feeling really sad, so much that it felt like a weight on my shoulders. Earlier in the day, Rob had hugged me tight, saying "don't go. Stay in Florida." he paused, and then "What is the worst that can happen? They give you a B?" This was a reference to my perfect grades while we were in Ohio. I started crying. I knew we had made a good decision. I knew me getting my M.Ed was good for the both of us. We had made plans on where I would live, gotten power of attorney so my name would still be on the title of the house, budgeted for us living apart, etc etc. But I'm still sad. I'll mope for a few days, and then I'll be in denial for awhile.

I checked in at the counter, right behind a woman that totally bitched out the really nice guy at the counter. This same woman was ahead of me in the security line complaining she couldn't take all her liquids with her. People. The first flight was delayed three times, but it was only 38 minutes long. This led to me sprinting to a train, riding it to the farthest possible terminal from where my plane landed, and literally running across the terminal to catch my plane. No dinner, No normal bathroom, nothing. I was the second to last person on the plane. The woman I sat next to was very nice. We chatted about books we've read and vacations she had taken. Her son is a elementary school teacher and is going to another college in Dayton. There was a 10-week old baby across the aisle that was pretty much the cutest thing alive. Slept the entire way, and made cute scrunchy baby faces the whole time. The approach into Dayton was forever long. I could feel the plane descending forever, and my ears did not want to pop to save their imaginary lives. I got off the plane and there was a very excited family waiting for someone behind me. That is always heartwarming.

My friends picked me up, and we had a nice chat on the way home. They are really nice people, very easy going, and I know we will get along just fine. I ate a very late dinner (after 10pm) drank a glass of wine, helped them shell some pecans and went to bed. I was bone-aching tired. I slept for what felt like forever, but it was just over 8 hours.

I was up way before them (sean and kate are not morning people). I made coffee, read some of my book, communed with the pets in the house (I am apparently not allergfic to siamese-blend cats). Kate made delicious bananna muffins for breakfast, and I also made some oatmeal. I'd forgotten how much I liked old-school oatmeal. With just a hint of brown sugar and some toasted nuts. Awesome!

I did a lot of school work, re-did the Ohio taxes (apparently left the uncomplete taxes on the hard drive we took out of the desk top before the movers packed it), did the school district taxes (owed $8.... would rather pay it than fight them...) planned some lessons, did item analysis on my action research project, enjoyed their Wii fit (for a half hour..... it was a lot of fun, although it has sensed I do not have a lot of balance), planned more lessons, returned the carpet steamer I borrowed, called Rob and went with them to the grocery store.

As nice as sean and kate are.... it is till not my house, and I feel a bit out of place. They have both told me "this is your house too..... look through the kitchen, do whatever you need to do, no worries." But it still isn't my house, you know?

Oh, and before I left on Saturday, my all time favorite episode of Dr Who was on the Sci fi channel. It is when the Doctor first meets Martha Jones. The whole episode is really funny, especially the bit with the tie, but this scene is the best. If I ever start a rock band, it will be called "Barefoot on the Moon"

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