Worst. Month. Ever.

Sep 13, 2008 17:26

So, not even 2 months into September yet and it's shaping up to be pretty terrible. Let's break down the month so far, shall we?

1 Sept: Spent the weekend fleeing from Hurricane Gustav with my sister, brother, and sister-in-law. Takes approximately 10 hours to make the 6 hour drive from my grandmother's in Louisiana back to Dallas. 
3 Sept: Car begins to make horrific grinding noises at lunctime. Spend most of the day waiting for a tow truck/dealing with mechanic/renting a car, etc. 
4 Sept: Mechanic calls my sister for some reason? The damage: $325. Mechanic says car will shortly need a new timing belt (another $600). 
8 Sept: Still cursing stupid German engineering. Cancel previously planned trip to Vegas due to unforseen outlay of funds to mechanic. In the midst of cursing, neighbor runs over power cord to air conditioner with a weedeater. Since it is already getting dark, spend the night without a/c. 
9 Sept: Come home from work to find landlord fiddling around outside. Says he thinks he's fixed the air. Unlock door and am greeting with sweltering apartment. Guess he missed...landlord calls a/c repairman. It starts to rain...a/c repairman cancels for the evening. Resigned to spending another evening without a/c. Sister goes to take a shower and notes that water is not working...city apparently fixing a busted pipe across the street and turned off water ALL FREAKING NIGHT. No a/c and no running water...staying in apartment is sort of like camping. 
10 Sept: Wake up after sweating all night to find that at least water is back on. Take shower. Sister trys to take shower later only to discover that shower has since stopped working. Later that evening, sister drops a bottle of fuschia nail polish all over bathroom floor.  But at least a/c is fixed now.
11 Sept: World's longest day of work, for some reason.
12 Sept: Upon coming home from world's second longest day of work, sister decides to check mail...hoping for letter from friend, grandmother, Publisher's Clearing House, anything. Hear sister laughing as she walks back into the house. Am greeted with jury summons. Fuck.
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