Title: New Year's Surprise
Team: Jocks
Challenge: Celebration
Character/Pairing: Troy/Ryan
Rating: PG
Warnings: Slash
Author's Notes: Just in time, heh. There should be a follow up, but I'm out of time. Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
“Here,” Troy said, pushing a plastic cup into Ryan’s hand.
Ryan stared down at the cup before lifting it to to smell. His nose wrinkled at the strong alcohol scent and he looked up at Troy. “What is this?”
“Chad calls it his ‘New Year’s Surprise’.”
“What’s the surprise? That you can walk after a couple sips?”
Troy laughed and shook his head, but his response was cut off by the sudden enthusiasm of people counting down to midnight.
Troy grinned down at Ryan before joining in, “4, 3, 2, 1,” He finished with a soft kiss to Ryan’s lips.