Snow Man -『Snow Man’s Life』Lyrics [Kanji+Romaji+English]

Sep 20, 2023 11:33

This translation was requested by lilycoffeer. Omatase! Sorry for the long wait🙏

Actually I didn't plan to translate another song. When I read those harsh comments on someone else's translation, even though it's not directed at me, I felt scared. While I'd definitely love to receive constructive feedback that can help me learn and grow, I don't think I'm mentally strong enough to face the harsh ones. So, please cmiiw gently 🙏🙏🙏

I've made a lot of notes in this one, but I was not sure where to put them. If I write it immediately, it might make the lyrics look messy, but I think it can help readers understand immediately. But if I put all notes at the end, the lyrics might look neater, but perhaps it bothers with the meaning. But well, the first option won the poll here, so...

Snow Man - Snow Man's Life

どうも! Snow Manでーす!
Doumo! Snow Man de-su!
Hello! We're Snow Man!

ライライライラ ライラライライ
Lai lai lai la lai la lai lai
Li- li- li- li- li- li- li- li-
[TN: I assume this is "li" from "life"]

ライライライラ Snow Man’s Life
lai lai lai la Snow Man's life
Li- li- li- Snow Man's life

ライライライラ ライラライライ
Lai lai lai la lai la lai lai
Li- li- li- li- li- li- li- li-

Snow Manあるある!
Snow Man Aru Aru
Snow Man, here we are!

Honban hashagi sugi chatte shuuroku ga oshi-gachi
We'd get too excited during the show, making it hard to record (and end it)

hiroi gakuya de ~ke-sho tamari-gachi
We'd hang out at certain places in the spacious backstage, and

shibutsu de o mise hirogegachi
We'd scatter our personal belongings all over the place

ライライライラ Snow Man’s Life
Lai lai lai la Snow Man's life
Li- li- li- Snow Man's life

ひかる 服脱がされがち(それな)
Hikaru fuku nugasare-gachi (sorena)
Hikaru would take off his clothes (That's right!)

こうじ リップなくしがち(それな)
Kouji rippu nakushi-gachi (sorena)
Koji would lose his lip balm (That's right!)

ふっか 「イケメン」言いがち(自分をな)
Fukka `ikemen' ii-gachi (jibun o na)
Fukka would say "Ikemen" (about himself)

君のアイコン Snow Manです
Kimi no aikon Snow Man desu.
Your icon: Snow Man!

しょっぴー 年中サンダル(それな)
Shoppi nenjuu sandaru (sorena)
Shoppi would wear sandals all the time (That's right!)

さっくん ワイプで暴れる(それな)
sakkun waipu de abareru (sorena)
Sakkun goes wild in the wipe*
[*TN: Correction: Wipe here means Picture in Picture, like when Sakkun's reacting in the top corner of the screen. Thanks to Carrie, one of my beloved mutuals on Twitter, for kindly letting me know 😊 Wipe here refers to film transition, like when Sakkun made a fuss about how the camera angle was lowered to film him after filming Raul. LoL Please let me know if you get it, this is hilarious 🤣🙈]

めめ メンバーを虜にしがち
me-me menba- wo toriko ni shi-gachi
Meme would captivate the members

時代のアイコン Snow Manです
Jidai no aikon Snow Man desu
The icon of this era: Snow Man!

risou no jibun ni gachigachi ni shibararenaide
Don't be inflexibly tied down to your ideal self

さまざま (oh oh) シャバダバ (oh oh)
samazama (oh oh) shabadaba (oh oh)
(Be) diverse (oh oh) Shabadaba* (oh oh)
[*TN: Some say that Shabadaba is just a scat and has no meaning, some say it's the Japanese version of Doo-wop, a style of rhythm-and-blues and rock-and-roll vocal music popular in the 1950s and '60s]

Kyuu nin kyuu iro de ii jyanai
Nine people with nine colors are fine, right?

いっちゃってー! いっちゃってー!
Icchatte- ! Icchatte-!
Let's go! Let's go!

ひかるの号令 Let’s スターティン
Hikaru no gourei Let’s startin'
Hikaru's command: Let's get started*
[*TN: The lyrics say "Let's startin'", which is grammatically incorrect in English, but grammar doesn't really apply to songs or artsy writing, so no judging here. I chose to write "Let's get started" only to make it easier to understand the meaning.]

僕ら重ね合う あるあるあるある (あるあるあるある)
bokura kasaneau aru aru aru aru (aru aru aru aru) *
We complement each other. We do! We do! (We do! We do!)
[*TN: aru aru in such instances is often used to show that you relate to it, something like "me too!" so in this post, I translate "aruaru" by repeating the preceding sentence to show agreement, e.g. we do! there are! etc.]

最近買ったアイテム グループメール アップ
saikin katta aitem guru-pu me-ru appu
Recently purchased items are uploaded to the group mail

映え 映え 映え (メンバーにお知らせ)
Bae Bae Bae (menba- ni oshirase)
Look how great it is! (Announcing it to members)

誰もが誰かの ○○○○ (まるまるまるまる)
daremo ga dareka no ○○○○ (marumaru marumaru)
Everyone is someone's something/someone (Totally! Totally!)
[TN: ○○(まるまる) is usually used for censorship or when many words can be used in that position, so I just go ahead translating it as something/someone. It can also mean "entirely," in case you're wondering why I translated it the way I did.]

全力楽しんで 輪になって行こうぜ
zenryoku tanoshinde wani natte ikouze
Let's enjoy it to the fullest and go in a circle

Shiny Days! (Shiny Days!)

今めぐり逢えた奇跡を そばで感じてたい!
Ima meguri aeta kiseki wo soba de kanji tetai!
I want to feel the miracle of meeting you by my side now!

(ii de syo?)

ライライライラ ライラライライ
Lai lai lai la lai la lai lai
Li- li- li- li- li- li- li- li-

ライライライラ Snow Man’s Life
Lai lai lai la Snow Man's life
Li- li- li- Snow Man's life

ライライライラ ライラライライ
Lai lai lai la lai la lai lai
Li- li- li- li- li- li- li- li-

ライライライラ Snow Man’s Life
Lai lai lai la Snow Man's life
Li- li- li- Snow Man's life

Riaruna aru aru wo arubamu ni komete   
Let's put the real things into an album, and

utatte itadakimashou
Let's sing (them)

`aru aru da yo, jinsei wa'
"Life happens, you know"

yasumi no hi ni wa na ni shimasho?
What should we do on our days off?

Wakaranaku nari-gachi
We tend to get lost (i.e. come to not understand things)!

(あ、よいしょ! あ、よいしょ!)
(A , yoisho! A, yoisho! )
(Yo-heave-ho! Yo-heave-ho!)

背の順で並ぶ時 真ん中揉めがち
Se no jun de narabu toki mannaka momegachi
When lining up in order of height, there would be disputes in the middle

ライライライラ Snow Man’s Life
Lai lai lai la Snow Man's life
Li- li- li- Snow Man's life

Mina ryo-te a ge-ro
Everybody, hands up!

大体背高いや (平均身長 higher)
Daitai seita ka iya (heikin shinchou higher)
Mostly tall people, well ((People with) average height, higher!)

Everybody Hands Up (Everybody Hands Up)

弁当の争奪戦 (絆育て)
Bentou no soudatsu-sen (kizuna sodate)
Bento* fights! (Strengthen our bonds)
[*TN: Japanese boxed lunch]

Everybody Clap Hands (Everybody Clap Hands)

はいOK!! 一旦戻しまーす
Hai OK! ! Ittan modoshi ma-su
Alright, OK. Let's put it back at once.

だてさん 空気支配する (それな)
date-san kuuki shihai suru (sorena)
Date-san dominates the air (That's right)

あべちゃん 代表で字を書く (それな)
Abe-chan daihyou de ji wo kaku (sorena)
Abe-chan writes as the representative (That's right)

ラウール 笑う声が超音波
rau-ru warau koe ga chouonpa
Raul's laughing voice is ultrasonic [i.e. Raul's so loud when laughing]

Yeah!! 僕らがSnow Manです
Yeah!! Bokura ga Snow Man desu.
Yeah!! We're Snow Man.

何かを決めるじゃんけん (アツくなりがち)
Nanika wo kimeru jyan ken (atsu ku narigachi)
We decide something by Rock paper scissors (it tends to get hot)

美容院のタイミング (マジかぶりがち)
Miyouin no taimingu (maji kaburi-gachi)  
It's time for a beauty salon (We'd take it seriously)

髮の毛 (痛みがち) 歯ブラシ (求めがち)
Kami no ke (itami-gachi) haburashi (motome-gachi)
Some strands of hair (it would hurt) a toothbrush (We'd want it)

誕プレは (SO!! みんなで1つ)
tanpure wa (SO! ! Minnade hitotsu)
A birthday present (Yes! One from everyone)

`dare datte sou
Everyone is the same

sorezore sutekina kosei ga atte, kagayai teru yo'   
Each has a wonderful personality and they shine

「急になに そのテンション!?」
`kyū ni nani sono tenshon!?'
What is that sudden tension?

はみ出ちゃっても (oi) 間違いじゃない (oi)
Hamide chatte mo (oi) machigai janai (oi)
Even if we're forced out (oi) it's not a mistake (oi)

tenshinranman kakenuke ~~~~ru~~~~
We'd run through (the crowd) innocently

いっちゃってー! いっちゃってー!
Icchatte- ! Icchatte-!
Let's go! Let's go!

声を響かせろ Let’s スターティン
Koe wo hibikaseru Let's startin'
Scream out your voice, let's get started

僕ら刻んでく 胸にあるリアル (あるあるあるある)
Bokura kizande ku koko ni aru Riaru (aru aru aru aru)
We carve out the reality in our hearts (We do! We do!)

光に向かって また歩き出す
Hikari ni mukatte mata aruki dasu
Face the light and start walking forward again

MV映え (バッババエバエ)
MV bae (babbabaebae)
The MV looks great (It's great! It's great!)

歌い踊ろうぜ それが糧になる (なるなるなるなる)
utai odorou ze sore ga kate ni naru (naru naru naru naru)
Let's sing and dance; that will be our nourishment (it will! it will!)

kyou mo saikou datte warai atte ikouze
Let's laugh together and say, "Today is also great!"

Brighter Days! (Brighter Days!)

まだ誰も知らない未来を 共にみつけたい!
Mada daremoshiranai mirai wo tomoni mitsuketai!  
I want to find a still-unknown future together

(みぃつけた! はっや!)
(Mi ~itsuketa! Hayya! )
(I found it! That's fast!)

Menba- ga ooi kara
Because there are a lot of members

me ga tarinaikedo kyuunin tashikani koko ni irun dansu!
I can't see it quite clearly, but the nine of us are definitely here dancing!

意味のわからない あるあるあるある (あるあるあるある)
Imi no wakaranai aru aru aru aru (aru aru aru aru)  
There are times it doesn't make sense (There are! There are!)

どんな状況だって 楽しんでまっすー
don'na joukyou datte tanoshinde massuー
Whatever the circumstances are, we'll have fun!

やれ やれ やれ (やったもん勝ち)
yare yare yare (yatta mon kachi)
Do it, do it, do it! (The one who did it wins!)

Ryoku todokeyou higashi nishi minami kita
Let's send out the courage to the east, west, south, and north

(老若男女! 言えてないやん!)
(rounya kunannyo! Ie tenaiyan!)
(Men and women of all ages! There's no way I can tell!)

手と手取り合って 切り拓こうぜ
Te to te toriatte kiri hirakou
Let's join hands and open up a path

Brand New Days! (Brand New Days!)

あと収録押さないように いつかはなりたい!
Ato shuuroku osanai you ni itsuka wa naritai!
I want to be able to not push/end the recording later someday!

I'll try my best!

ライライライラ ライラライライ
Lai lai lai la lai la lai lai
Li- li- li- li- li- li- li- li-

ライライライラ Snow Man’s Life
Lai lai lai la Snow Man's life
Li- li- li- Snow Man's life

ライライライラ ライラライライ
Lai lai lai la lai la lai lai
Li- li- li- li- li- li- li- li-

ライライライラ Snow Man’s Life
Lai lai lai la Snow Man's life
Li- li- li- Snow Man's life

以上! Snow Manでした!
Ijou! Snow Man deshita!
That's all! That's Snow Man!

Notes: My apologies if some my TN notes are redundant. You might already know what it means, but I when I learned a foreign language, I often found such notes helpful, so I hope it can be helpful to those who learn either Japanese or English.

Usual disclaimer: My Japanese is not so advanced, so please kindly cmiiw. I mean kindly, really, I'm fragile^^

Usual note: You can find my Twitter thread of Snow Man's song lyrics that I translated/posted here. I also posted it in mis-snow-man lj, here. Hope you love it 😊💗❤️🧡💚💙💜🤍💛🖤😊

snow man's life, snow man's lyrics translation, lyrics: translation, snow man, lyrics, snow man's lyrics

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