You know you've all been waiting for this... ;)
GISHWHES 2012 Item List First off: THANK YOU for any help that you can offer in this chaotic little piece of madness we call an International Scavenger Hunt. You are doing me a solid, and I fully expect that you may need me to return the favor someday.
Please let me know what items you would be interested in working on and I will send you my email address so that you can send my your thought, questions, and most important - IMAGE AND VIDEO FILES!
ALL of the Items below should either be captured as "images" (which are photographs) or "videos". Please only upload items to secure NON-PUBLIC sites and then send the link to that item to me. This is due to the ‘scalping’ that can sometimes occur in these contests.
IMPORTANT - Unless otherwise specified, ALL VIDEOS must be 30 seconds or less!