Hey, remember back when I did
this last Thanksgiving along with
claughter713and eight of our newest international best-friends?
Well, in four days it's starting All Over Again!
And this time we've got
harmanhay along for the ride in our team of 15 loonies...
What does this mean for you?
1) Get your sleep now;
2) Make sure your video/digital camera is prepped;
3) Stock up on breakfast meats - there may be a clothing item again this year akin to this one:
#62 - A woman wearing a dress (and only the dress) made entirely from bacon. (43 points)
But most important:
4) Check your LJ feeds for
harmanhay and myself - because we WILL be asking (begging, bribing, cajoling, etc) you for help in completing items for this event.
And really, since this was one of the BEST, MOST AWESOME, ENTERTAINING, CREATIVE and WONDERFUL things I did in all of 2011; don't you want in on this action?
You know you do...