So over the coarse of the first bingo round I’ve written an additional 8 pieces which I never completed a full line and so I’ve decided for the amnesty round to space them out so that I don’t overwhelm you so I’ll post half of them now and half later, I’ll also post the date I posted them over in my LJ just because….
moviesurfer (pieces posted in my writing journal
usfgirlFandoms: Glee, General Hospital
Prompts: Crush, First Date, Study Buddy, (Wild Card) Blind Date
Prompt: Crush Originally Posted to my fic LJ 7/4/10
Medium: Fic
Pairing: Kurt Hummel/ Mercedes Jones (friendship) slight mentions of Kurt/Matt and Mercedes/Mike
Rating: PG-PG13
Warnings: implied slash
Summary: Kurt gets a letter and wonders who is crush is...
"HERE" Prompt: First Date
Medium: Fic
Pairing: Tina Cohen Chang/Artie Abrams
Rating: PG-PG13
Warning/notess: I know they ‘technically’ went out on a ‘date’ in Wheels but to me racing wheelchairs down the school hallways before the whole stutter bomb dropped…not so romantic. Timeline wise lets say it’s between Power of Madonna and Dream On though still kind of AU-esque …was written/posted on my LJ July 8th so it was before any season 2 spoilers had leaked….
Summary: Artie wants to take Tina out on a REAL date
"HERE" Prompt: Study Buddy
Medium: Fic
FandomGlee/General Hospital
Pairing: Kurt Hummel/ Molly Davis (sibling ship)
Rating: PG-PG13
Warning/notess: This piece is set in between the Memorial Day BBQ and Epilogue of my fic ‘Find Yourself’ which can be found on under the pen name Average Everyday Sane Psycho however really all you need to know is that Alexis, Kristina, and Molly live in Lima, Alexis and Burt are together and he and Kurt have moved in w/ the Davis women…posted July 15th 2010
Summary: All Molly wants to do is help Kurt out with his vocabulary
"HERE" Prompt: Blind Date (Wild Card)
Medium: Fic
Pairing: Artie Abrams/Quinn Fabray (with some Kurt and Mercedes moments)
Rating: PG-PG13
Warning/notess: This was written in Auguest 2010 and took the whole Artina break up spoiler and added my personal Quartie spin…
Summary: Kurt and Mercedes decide to meddle in their friends lives