Title Study Buddy
hs_bingo piece
Fandom General Hospital/Glee
Main Characters Molly Davis/Kurt Hummel (sibling ship)
Notes/DisclaimersThis is set in my ‘Find Yourself’ verse (Set between ‘Memorial Day’ and the ‘Epilogue’ though the only thing you need to really know is that Alexis Davis moved the girls to Lima, Ohio, she and Burt Hummel are dating and Burt and his son Kurt have moved in with the Davis girls…
Summery All Molly wants to do is help Kurt out with his vocabulary
Summertime was supposed to be a time of fun for normal teenagers however he was Kurt Hummel and normal was not a word that could ever be used to describe him though he didn’t seem to mind…he enjoyed being unique…he wasn’t a box and there were definitely more then four sides to him. Anyway it wasn’t like he was totally wasting his summer indoors or anything though with Tina spending the summer traveling with her parents, Kristina and Artie joined at the hip when they weren’t at their Summer jobs, and Mercedes spending as much time with Mike before he left for football camp…well he had a few afternoons a week free which was what lead him to crack the books and begin to prep for taking the SAT, though the test wasn’t until November.
He was so lost in what he was doing at the moment that he hadn’t heard the sound of the front door open and was oblivious to anyone else’s presence until the voice of his psudo sister Molly filled the room.
“Hey Kurt, whatcha doing?”
Looking up he smiled at the young eleven year old who had just entered the room.
“On a day like this? Let me guess…Krissy’s with Artie again.”
Kurt nodded.
“As epically romantic as they are don’t they realize your becoming a third wheel?”
“I’m a much higher number then three when wheels are concerned Mol.”
The young girl pouted while wheels were surly turning in her head about ways to set him up with someone. However instead of talking about some romantic scheme of Jane Austen proportions she instead let her eyes fall upon the SAT study guides that sat on the coffee table before him.
“So what are you studying?”
“The verbal.”
“Can I help?”
“Your eleven.”
“Quiz me!”
He just watched the young girl cross her arms as she flashed him a stone cold stare. She wasn’t kidding…
Flipping the book open to a page listing the some of the more common SAT words he scanned the page for something easy.
“Ok Molly, I’ll humor you…. Aesthetic.”
“Aesthetic,” Molly said as she had begun to scratch her head, “do you want the part of speech or just the definition.”
Kurt shrugged his shoulders.
“Definition is fine.”
Molly nodded.
“Aesthetic…pertaining to beauty or the arts….want me to use it in a sentence.”
Kurt shook his head impressed that the child knew the word.
“Tina’s got a sharp eye when it comes to the Aesthetic properties of an object.”
Kurt let out a laugh thinking about his friend and fellow glee-mate.
“So true Mol, so true.”
“Ok,” Molly said grabbing the book from Kurt’s hand, “your turn… haughty.”
“Haughty…arrogant and condescending…like how Santana Lopez used to be towards glee club at the beginning of the year.”
“That wasn’t a real sentence Kurt.”
“Frugal…thrifty and cheap…and a sentence would be… Mr. Schue’s wardrobe is so frugal it’s sad…I mean seriously I know he’s on a teachers salary but that doesn’t mean he can’t at least attempt to not look like he shops from the clearance rack at Sears.”
“God Kurt, you have some serious issues with your alleged friends.”
“Santana’s not my friend and Mr. Schue is my teacher.”
Molly just rolled her eyes.
“Ok Miss Smarty Pants…antagonist.”
“Antagonist, a foe…opponent…adversary much like Coach Sylvester is to Mr. Schue…or so I’ve heard.”
“Definitely heard right.”
Molly smiled.
“Trust…sociability amongst friends….at the beginning of the school year we were all strangers but months later the members of New Directions created a bond of camaraderie.”
“Says the guy who talks about people behind their backs.”
“Hey…I only speak the truth…”
Kurt just shook his head as he took the book back from Molly's hands and began to scan the page with his eyes.
"Anyway your word Mol....fortuitous.”
“Happening by luck…fortunate….It was fortuitous that our parents met allowing you to be my brother.”
He blinked as he looked over into her sweet brown eyes. She had to suck up to him didn’t she?
Closing the book that still was in his hand he placed it over onto the table and flashed a smile at the young girl.
“I could use a study break…why don’t we go downtown and I’ll buy you an ice cream?”
“I thought you were off dairy this month?”
“If you must know they have a great selection of lactose free items.”
“Well in that case…”
She grinned picking up the book.
“Quiz you on the way downtown.”
Taking the book from her he shook his head.
“Haven’t you ever heard the saying all work and no play.”
Molly just laughed heading out toward Kurt’s car.