Aug 21, 2005 14:43
Hey everyone who reads my Live Journal which isn't very many people, I dont think. Hey thats okay!
What to talk about today. I just got off work and I'm trying to relax before I take a shower which will involve me to stand. Then when I'm done with my shower take another relaxation break before I get ready and call Briann for the Hilary Duff concert. Which isn't till at least 7 but she would like to hang out with me before then. Which is cool.
Man, today at work was freaking busy. We had tons of people come in today. Bill and I were on the line pretty much all morning. We were so tired. We were like going crazy back there because we could barely speak. Words weren't forming very quickly in our brains. I kept stuttering. My brain was just on total shut down. Then our 2 o clock cook didn't show up so Bill is probably still at work but hehe now he knows how I feel from last Sunday. I would have stayed if I didn't have plans tonight.
Summer is coming close to an end. I'm becoming slowly excited but depressed. My friends that I hung out with this summer have left me for school, not saying I dont have friends that aren't in college its just they were the ones I got so close too, especially Paul. I pray that he doesn't forget about me. With you other people you would probably say HOW COULD HE FORGET THE UNFORGETTABLE HEATHER MARIE CHRISTENSEN? Yeah I know but still it could happen. :-p. ( I can only picture Stephanie and Jayme saying that to me because those two are ditzes *sp*)
Speaking of Paul, last night we hung out well from like 2-11 45. Yeah I know long hours together but we never seem to get bored of one another. At least I dont get bored of him. I ate dinner with his family, man was I nervous. My hands wouldn't stop sweating. I was just ugh just nervous. I get like that though with people I don't normally sit down and have dinner with. You would think I would get nervous about the praying part because I dont pray that often but I'm use to it with Ben's family. I should pray more. I have tried to start. Its sometimes hard to try to start something up when you were never really told that you had to do it. I think I vaguely remember praying when I was a little girl before I went to sleep everynight. Then I ended up loving sleep so much I just roll into my big bed under my covers and fall asleep instantly.
I miss Paul already. I miss him already because I dont know when I will talk to him again or when I will see him again so I'm preparing myself BUT I intend to find something to do while he is gone. I'm not going to let myself just walk around my house all sad and upset because the guy that I so very much like is gone. I'll just do that in my room while I slowly clean it back up and just try to get things up and moved before school starts. I need to at least get it cleaned before school starts because if I dont then I never will get it cleaned and I will end up wearing smelly clothes to school. I dont want to be the smelly kid in my class :-(.
Well, I think that is enough. I will tell you all how wonderful the Hilary Duff concert is soon enough. Maybe not tonight, depending on what time I Get home because lucky me gets to open in the morning at work (5 30 am)
In peace,