Aug 20, 2005 09:11
So it is Saturday morning. I just said good bye to Ben because he is leaving back for school today. Then tonight is my last night with Paul before he leaves for school on Sunday. I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow because I want to be able to say good bye to him while he is leaving but I also don't want to cry. I know I will cry. Hopefully, I can hold it in once I'm leaving and in my car already. Or maybe I should let him see me cry so he can see how much he does mean to me and how much I will truly miss him. I know he may think its weird to see me crying over him like that but I can't help it I'm an emotional person.
Last night I got done with work and I went over to Paul's house and played like board games with his family. I met his G-ma as they call her. She is so funny. I think she is only hilarious in away because she can't hear very well so she always says what she THOUGHT we said when it wasn't even close to it. Its still hilarious. Then we got done about 11 15 and I had my curfew moved back an hour just this once I think. I might have to wait awhile before I ask my mom to do that again. So Paul and I went down stairs and watched tv. We just channeled surfed for awhile and we ended up deciding on Mortal Kombat because he loved that movie as a kid. While we were watching it we kept getting pretty close to eachother (innocent of course but still) and he put his arm around me a couple times. Then he asked about my religion which was kind of weird just becasue I didn't expect it. Then we were walking outside and it was alittle dark from like rain clouds, you couldn't see a star in the sky and he walked me to my car. We were talking like we always do. When we do that it seems like he doesn't want me to go so he just keeps talking. He told me why he asked about my religion and said that if he was to date anyone he has to know that they are christian. I was like oh okay. Then he gave me a nice long hug good bye and told me he would call me tomorrow. Then I left.
So now its morning. I said good bye to Ben and I'm going to get ready to start cleaning my room as I wait patiently for Paul to call me. I hope that his plans with this one dude fall through like they always do because I want to spend as much time with him today as I can.
Oh, also I was sleeping and at like 4 15 this morning I kept hearing like MSN alert sounds on my computer so I woke up and it was Cody from Platteville he was checking on me because he heard about the tornado. I thought that was so sweet. He said he was really worried about me and was hoping he would hear something from me and when he heard that some one died he was so relieved that it was a guy because he thought it was me. Maybe he does still like me? I dont know. Doesn't matter. I just thought it was sweet. G2G
In Peace,