It's been an odd sort of week. We've not managed to get anything much done outdoors. I've not put much time into radio, but I did catch the usual morse practice broadcast on Thursday and chase a few SOTA activators on Saturday. The morse on Thursday went about as well as might be expected, given the lack of practice.
We have, however, done some useful NMC practising, some of it while the builders were here, most of it outside those hours. That swallowed quite a bit of time. We also caught a Heather Dale concert online on Sunday evening, which was fun. We were a bit torn between watching the concert in a small window and also catching the chat or watching the concert in full-screen. In the end we opted for the latter.
With the extension work that's going on, we're at present without a convenient TV set-up. We don't watch much TV, but through the autumn we have had a weekly appointment with the present series of "His Dark Materials" on BBC. We've caught that online for the last couple of weeks, but last night we managed to hook up a decent-sized display rather than a laptop screen, which was worth the effort.
We've joked through most of the year that, with the isolation caused by lockdowns and the like, most days feel like Sundays. Yesterday the builders were here early. That flipped things back, with Sunday feeling very much like a Monday. Today, having had "Monday" stolen by Sunday, has felt a bit of a non-day...
With the building disturbance, Miezekatze has occasionally sought refuge indoors. She has been, 'til now, an outdoor cat. She has a (slightly heated) cat house by the back door, but it is too close to the present builder traffic for her comfort, so occasionally she gets to spend some time asleep indoors.