Apr 13, 2018 10:39
I was a bit late getting out of the house to go to Gravesend last Friday, but we had a good evening's chat.
I've spent more than a fair part of the last week waiting at home, which has meant I've ended up doing nothing much in the way of useful stuff. The grey weather of the last few days hasn't exactly increased my enthusiasm, either.
I caught the usual radio club Net on Sunday morning, and went to the club's AGM on Monday evening. I also found time to chase a few SOTA activators on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Short-wave propagation conditions have been very variable, and the contacts I made on Wednesday were scratchy at best. On Thursday I caught the usual Morse practice broadcast. It went about as well as average, and was also slightly affected by poor propagation, but I'm still too prone to stumble over a letter and miss the next two words while trying to figure it out. It's far better to just mark it missed and keep copying.
On Wednesday I finally got fed up with waiting at home for people to call me back, and walked to Petts Wood to have my hair cut. As I'd walked there I spent a while checking out the Ingress landscape, and found the place to be seriously over-blessed with fully-loaded level 8 portals. As there was pretty much nothing to do apart from farm it, and my inventory was already pretty well loaded, I did another quick round of the village chasing Pokémon before heading home.
Inevitably, there was a message on my answering machine, but I was home early enough to call back.
On Thursday I drove to Petts Wood to deal with a bank issue I'd forgotten to deal with on Wednesday, and then went over to the local Maplin store to see what closing-down bargains there might be. Not many, as it turned out. I expect the interesting stuff probably sold out a while back. I spent the rest of the afternoon dealing with more phone calls.
Today I will try to head for gaming in a more timely manner...