The rest of last week (Tuesday to Friday) wasn't too bad from the weather perspective. I walked to the shops on Friday thinking I was quite over-dressed. That changed overnight. It snowed, and then got pretty cold on Saturday, stayed cold, and snowed a little more on Sunday, warmed up only a little on Monday, and only really warmed up enough to get rid of the snow this morning. There's still rather a bitter wind blowing now, but at least the snow has gone.
Tuesday was mostly a quiet day. On Wednesday I realised quite late in the day that there was a radio club committee meeting in the evening. I did get to it on time, just, which was useful as it was the last one of the club year.
I caught Thursday morning's GB2CW Morse practice broadcast as usual, and managed it about as well as usual, which was rather worse than the week before. Ups and downs are to be expected, I guess.
I went over to Gravesend on Friday evening as usual. The evening's game was "get the new fridge in". I think it was moderately successful, in the end.
Saturday was a mostly quiet day, apart from a couple of brief visits, one relatively early. I did my best to get an early night.
On Sunday I spent the day helping present the final day of the radio club's Intermediate licence course. All ten of the candidates who turned up passed. It started to snow during the exam, and I had to clear about half an inch off my car before I drove home.
Monday turned into a very slow day, but I did manage to get out to the well-attended informal radio club meeting in the evening.
I didn't sleep at all well Monday night, so today's being a bit of a struggle. There's another radio club meeting tonight. I need to get some shopping done...