Nov 13, 2017 23:07
Thursday morning's Morse practice went fairly well, and a little later in the day I caught a SOTA activator on a summit in Greece, so HF conditions were definitely a bit better than they had been earlier in the week. I didn't manage any other contacts, though. I spent a bit of time in the evening listening to Silke's recording of Über die Brücke several times, which also made for some reasonable German practice that didn't involve Duolingo.
There was no gaming on Friday. I was expecting my nephew to arrive during the evening, and I had quite a few other things I wanted to try to get done, too. My nephew arrived a bit after 10pm on Friday evening, a little later than expected, but he had warned me early enough in the evening that he'd not need supper when he arrived, and that worked out reasonably well, considering the contents of my fridge...
On Saturday we did a bit of shopping, but otherwise had a fairly un-energetic day. I put supper into the slow-cooker in the morning, and we had pizza for lunch. My nephew spent quite a bit of the afternoon watching the two rugby international matches on TV. We spent most of the evening watching bits of movies on TV. I spent a bit of it putting a radio club newsletter together, and a bit more listening to the beginnings of a radio contest on top-band, but the activity was sufficiently frenetic that I decided to leave it be.
On Sunday, after the usual radio club Sunday morning Net, I took my nephew over to Dartford, and then went on round through the Dartford Tunnel to the NMC rehearsal in Gants Hill. A few folk were unable to make it, but we had a good rehearsal even so. I was home before 7pm.
Today I've been quite busy shopping and sorting things out. I've swept yet more leaves off the drive, sorted out some radio kit, and even done a bit more cooking than usual. I had a listen for the Monday evening Morse practice broadcast, but it was almost completely lost in some fairly horrible noise. I think I've done just about all I needed to do today now. I even managed to keep my Duolingo streak alive without burning a freeze.