May 10, 2017 12:08
The tidying process has reached even worse levels of chaos than originally anticipated, and I've been a bit short of the energy and enthusiasm that would make completing the task so much easier. Oh well...
Monday got split between radio (mostly involving Morse) and tidying, for the most part. In the evening there was a radio club meeting. The main item on the agenda was completing the AGM that got cut short last month. Unfortunately, two ex-chairmen decided they'd make life difficult, and it took over an hour to get through. There was time after the AGM business was completed for a short talk, though, and that was interesting.
Tuesday started stupidly early when I woke up at 03:50 and couldn't get back to sleep. It took to get through ten Duolingo exercises to derail the trains of thought keeping me awake. Admittedly they were the mobile app version of the exercises, which are usually a bit shorter than the main website ones, but normally three in a day is plenty. Once I was awake again at a sensible time of day it was back to tidying and radio (mostly spent preparing a club's monthly newsletter). The chaos level in my hall has risen, but there is some evidence of progress, with some items finding new homes. In the evening I went out to a radio club committee meeting which was rather less stressful than the previous evening's meeting.
I woke up at a sensible time this morning, but I'm short of energy and enthusiasm, so no serious tidying has happened yet. Nor have I done any Duolingo...