Apr 04, 2017 18:05
Yesterday was a fine day; mostly sunny and not too cold. Despite being not quite fully fit, I didn't have trouble getting the car to and from its MoT test. In the evening I headed for the radio club meeting over in Shirley. It was the AGM, and it was a bit of a monster of a meeting. I think there'll have to be some thought put into what happens when an AGM runs out of time. The critical business did get completed, but the tail end stuff ran into the "we only have this room 'til 10pm" buffers, and didn't, so the fallout might be interesting...
This morning I was more tired than I'd expect to be, so I'm guessing I actually somewhat over-did the activity yesterday. I've compensated for that by making today one for doing very little.
There does, however, appear to be something interesting happening with LJ, so there's some risk that DW (on which I've been doing most of my entry writing for quite a while now) might become the better place to read this. There's the tricky issue of all the photos, though. They're almost all hosted on LJ. I suppose another possibility is that the public bits might end up on Wordpress.com or some such similar site, but not many of those do anything useful about filtering access to entries, so they're an incomplete solution. I guess it makes life interesting.