Feb 08, 2017 20:04
No fan-run convention runs smoothly without a fair bit of behind the scenes work ahead of time, and plenty of work at the Con. I'd particularly like to thank:
Mike, especially for all the work that went into the publications, and for keeping things moving, along with all the rest that goes into being on a con-com.
Miki, particularly for artwork and handling the hotel side of the con-com task, along with all the rest.
Deborah, for being a wizard at tech, as usual.
Rob, for volunteering to act as Master of Ceremonies, and taking on that task for the sign-up concerts.
Valerie, for loan of a guitar, and Jackie, for also offering to loan a guitar.
Barbara and John, for badges, backdrops, and general logistics help.
Roger, for dealing and auctioneering.
Lissa, for financial wrangling, etc..
Ωmega, for the Sams figurines.
Melusine, for running the Sams process.
All the folk who helped with tech, especially during set-up and tear-down.
All the folk who contributed in many and various ways to the Con.
...and, of course, our Guests of Honour, Jackie and Cecilia.