Things have warmed up. Monday was warmer, but still rather grey. Tuesday and Wednesday started somewhat misty, but turned sunny. Since Thursday the sun's been shining pretty much from dawn til dusk. Mind, I know that in part because I've been awake around sunrise on more than one occasion. However, being awake from before dawn to after dusk doesn't improve one's sense of restedness...
Along the way a few things got done. The lawn got mown on Wednesday (and it needed it despite having been mown not that long ago). On Thursday evening there was an astronomical society meeting (and we weren't locked out, which made a change from last month). On Friday there was gaming. We played
Jamaica, and I think Phil won. On Saturday I spent a fair part of the morning in the garden, until it got too hot. I then had a shower, sat down, and concluded I was out of energy for further excursions. I spent the afternoon and evening mostly trying to get the old laptop and a new version of its operating system to play nicely. It seems that something significant has changed, either in the program I use when tracking balloons, or in Xorg, or in the linux kernel (or possibly some combination of those) which leaves the balloon tracking program just not quite able to keep up. A little frustrating, as there were a couple of interesting flights on Saturday, but also fairly educational.
This morning I was again awake at sunrise. I did manage to get a bit more sleep between about 6:30am and 9am when a neighbour rang my doorbell. Probably just as well, mind, as I was able to have breakfast, enjoy the morning radio Net, and get some shopping done before the day got too hot. At around 3:45pm I headed for Heathrow to meet my mother off her flight from Nairobi. The M25 wasn't too bad either way, and we were home just before 7pm. I expect the next few weeks will not follow my normal pattern...