Feb 13, 2007 12:46
It's been quite a while since I have posted.... I decided that I had such an amazing night last night that I wanted to write about it....
So, last night was the BIG nurse event that I plan annually and it is generally a huge let down. I put all of this time and energy in planning this event and then few show up... Lately work has been overwhelming due to the budget cuts that I felt I haven't had time to devote to planning this to the best of my ability.... I had one month to pull together an event for a hundred, not to mention still fulfilling my daily tasks and traveling non-stop..... but somehow, I did it.
The event was fantastic. Over 50 RN's showed up all excited about the possibility of working at the hospital. The room looked amazing and everything totally fell into place. Everyone kept coming up and telling me what a terrific event it turned out to be.... A weight has been lifted off of my shoulders!
I also got a ride in the helicopter last night... it pays to have friends in high (pardon the pun) places..... What an amazing sight to see the city from up in the air.... it sure is beautiful. The landing was a bit scary.... but wow... I wouldn't have traded that experience for the world!
All in all things seem to be working out just perfect in my life.... the road hasn't always been easy, but the events in my life at this moment seem to make it all worth while.