Taken from Joe's blog

Oct 20, 2006 08:50

Our Kitty

So I guess I just wanted to give everybody a rundown and let them know what has been going on in our dearest kitty’s life as of late. Oliver has been the sweetest kitty since the day we got him. Constantly ramming his head into yours showing affection (”give me headbutts kitty … attaboyyy!!
), jumping up on the bed at 4:00AM because hes lonely and wants snuggles and lovee (he shows this by headbutting for a bit, and then biting your fingers. Mainly mine), and always greeting you at the door by trying to run out and explore the vast outdoors, or just look at you and “MOW” because he’s happy to see you.

Yes, Ollie is the sweetest kitty in the whole wide world. That is why it really deeply saddens me to let everyone know, that Ollie has some serious problems.

About a week or so ago now, we noticed that Oliver was going to his litter box more and more, and staying in there for extended periods of time. We immediately caught the UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) that he had, and brought him to the emergency clinic in Burnside on a Sunday (cats always get sick after hours). The vet there drained his bladder by putting pressure on it, and we were relieved to find that he did not have any crystals or blockage. We were sent home with pain medication for him and some antibiotics for a possible bacterial infection that they see in les than 1% of cats, but it was preventative and couldn’t hurt, so why not.

We get Mr. Man home, and proceed to start giving him pills as directed. We do this for a couple of days (god damn that cat hates taking pills, but that’s another story) but then I noticed how much he hasn’t been pooping. As a matter of fact, he hasn’t pooped at all for atleast 4 days. Holy shit, he is probably constipated too, I think. With some encouragement from Heather, I call the vet back (for the 2nd time in a few hours) and tell them the problem. We immediatelly set up an appointment for the next day.

Brad and Julie graciously offer to drive us to the vet and stay with us while Ollie gets looked at (thank you thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU so much, guys). Anyway, Ollie get’s his bladder emptied again by the vet (and a nice little rectal probing which results in a minute long meow from our furry friend), and then we agree to xrays and enemas for Mr. Kitty Cat. After that is all over with is when the real fun begins. And by real fun I mean no fucking fun at all.

The vet walks toward us in the waiting room in the classic movie style “I have bad news for you” type dealie. She tells us there were complications; but that he went through the procedure fine, and he is OK, but they found something. Apparently Ollie has a stricture (a small band of tissue) that is squeezing off his colon, preventing his poop from coming out properly. The vet has never seen this before, and no matter how hard she tried, she could not squeeze past the stricture without injuring the cat.

At this time Heather and I are quite obivously upset, and wondering what we can do for our furry bag full of poo. We look at the xrays that were taken, and see just how much he is backed up. He has poop going allll through his intestines. It is a sight like no other; I could not believe what we were seeing. We were quickly told our options. Continious vet visits and hope he gets better, or surgery.

Surgery it is.

And that is where we are at right now. We are currently awaiting a call from a doctor regarding which surgeon can do it. If we can get it done in Halifax, or get it done in Charlottetown. If it has to go to PEI, then my Mom has graciously offered her car and her services to get him to surgery. THANK YOU MOM

Everyone please say a prayer for our beautiful fuzzy blanket, he really needs some support.

We love you Ollie. Get better soon! … or else!
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