Jul 29, 2005 13:42
Hi everyone. Hope you're all out enjoying the beautiful weather, which is why this post will be super short because computers are no place to be when it's sunny out.
1. okay, so Vashon on tuesday the 2nd? the ferry from the tacoma side is at 2:40, and I think passengers/walk-ons are $4. I have a ticket for myself/car. and the ferry from the downtown seattle is at 2:50. there are also multiple ferries coming out of west seattle at fauntlaroy for those wanting to walk on and meet on the other side. and the ferries coming back go till about 9 pm or so to tacoma, and later to seattle. so who's down? so far, I only know that my sister and her friend, and stark, and me are in. mccoy, zak, keith, deb, bobby, luckman, shawno, anyone coming? it'll be fun, and the tide is very low that afternoon, so there will be many sea treasures and such on the beach.
2. there is a poetry party coming your way, and the date has been shifted over to saturday evening, august 6th. come on down to oly and enjoy the words!
3. I had a near wilson sighting lastnight at the showbox. this was scarry. but thankfully, it was not her, just someone who looks extremely extremely like her. bobby can vouch for this. by the way, thanks for inviting me to the show last night bobby, it was great, even though i only knew the one song, and the chapman cover in the oncore, and i smelled like sweaty boys for the whole ride back to oly. gross. but it was fun.
well, i'm off to the sunshine and an international beer festival in portland for the weekend. sounds good to me. call me if you're down for vashon, or comment here or something. hope you guys can come out for a get together or whatever you want to call it. it will be good times and most enjoyable, i'm sure.