(no subject)

Apr 05, 2007 16:02

I've taken to re-reading the series one more time before I finally get my eager paws on Deathly Hallows, and amidst the oreo cookie crumbs and eagerly waiting for my dashingly handsome fiance to come home from work, I had a thought.

I have not been entirely convinced Snape is really working for Voldemort, nor have I been entirely convinced he isn't. I realize there are many outside reasons Snape hates Harry (his father saved his life, Harry knows about how James tourtured Snape, he exists, etc.) but maybe there is something else. Maybe from the get-go, he's had another agenda. Maybe someone (Dumbledore?) put him in charge of making sure Harry doesn't let his celebrity go to his head. Maybe he did it himself, so Harry wouldn't turn into the James who ruffled his hair and played with the snitch around Lily Evans and tourtured other students. Who better than the mean teacher who has issues with the boy before he even met him?

But I think theres an even better reason, and a good arguement for the Snape is Good camp.

Snape was a Death Eater and now he's a member of the Order. He knows both sides rather well. What if Snape has been preparing Harry for the last six years. What if (in addition to all the above reasons and probably a lot more) he's been exceptionally nasty to him so he could get the message that no, you're not special, but this is your destiny, and I will not let some sniviling little idiot allow his fame to go to his head while he has much more important things to worry about. Say what you will about it not being in Harry's nature to allow something to go to his head like that-he's very humble but brave, which is why I think the character is so endearing. I think Snape has (for whatever reason) helped him in this way. You'll also remember this was a similar reason for which Dumbledore chose to leave him with his aunt rather than, say, ask the Weasleys to take care of him. which they would have gladly done. That and the whole Petunia's blood has protected him for seventeen years. He didn't want him to have to deal with it until he was ready.

Just a thought.
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