Mod-ly Announcement: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, hpthemes!

Jan 14, 2011 23:31

Hello, all you fine reccers!

We've had some staffing changes here at hpthemes, and want to let you know about them.

Sadly, purpledodah and werewolfsfan are no longer able to serve as Moderators for this community. We thank them mightily for their work to keep the community up and running in the immediate aftermath of jamie27's "retirement", and wish them much luck and love.

Happily, dwarfandelf has stepped up to co-mod with songquake. The two of us are still working out which of us will take on which responsibilities, but we are thrilled that hpthemes will be active once more!

Today, January 16, 2010, marks the one-year anniversary of reccing at hpthemes (hush, it's still the 16th for some of us!). To celebrate, the next post shall be the MASTER LIST OF THEMES. There will be links to each theme's original post, as well as to the listing on

For now, we're keeping our account at, but we are working on getting a mirror site set up that will automatically archive so that we do not need to worry about a demise. (This is actually one of the first projects dwarfandelf is taking on, and another reason to kiss her boots - SQ.)

We would also like to thank those who volunteered to get the lists up-to-date, particularly csad21, who went above and beyond the call of duty. At this point, there are only two themes that need to be thrown up there, and one of us mods can take care of it.

Seriously, y'all: The help in getting everything onto saved me (songquake) an ulcer. Yay for community action!


While we are not posting a new THEME this week, it seems wrong not to mark the anniversary of hpthemes at all. Since we haven't asked this question in over a year, now seems like a great time.

So…What themes (not yet tackled) would you like to see us post for recs? Anything new start to become a theme in fics or art this past year? Anything you think of as a major theme that we have, thus far, neglected? What do we need to throw into the pot?

Looking forward to your responses!

songquake and dwarfandelf

mod post, !!suggest a theme!!

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