Hello, dear reccers!
As you may have noticed over the past couple of months, your mods have not been very consistent about posting themes. This is for two primary reasons:
1. We get busy, very busy, sometimes.
2. We find ourselves overwhelmed by the backlog of recommendations we have yet to transfer from LiveJournal to del.icio.us, and become reluctant to create more work for ourselves until that work is done.
Over the past weeks, we have come to the conclusion that we are not likely to be able to dedicate enough time to ever be truly "caught up" with del.icio.us on our own, given the fact that we've each had unexpected family stuff come up, plus we need to spend time working, going to school, etc. The backlog that existed when we took up modding
hpthemes is largely conquered (or, it was back in June, though themes have been added since then), but we fell behind since then, and I (
songquake) am not sure which theme was the last to be completely updated.
So we are putting out a CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS TO UPDATE DEL.ICIO.US. This is not a difficult task, and we would welcome anyone who has interest in helping out our community to sign up. That is, no previous experience with del.icio.us is required (though experience is certainly welcome!).
We are seeking 6-10 volunteers to help us. This should cover every week for the summer (the last theme that was fully accounted for, with totals posted, was ADOPTION), and possibly give us a few extras to help with updating the site with additions to the themes from our catch-up weeks.
If you volunteer, we will email you a document with instructions for updating del.icio.us, including the password. We will also send you the link to the week you are being assigned. You will be granted posting access to
You will then go forth and update the del.icio.us Master List. When you are done with this, you can post the totals for your theme to the community; that way, everyone will know that your theme is up-to-date on del.icio.us, and we can give proper accolades.
If you are able, we also ask that you be willing to "check up" on your Adopted Theme about once/month to see if anyone has recced more stories or artworks on the LJ page for it. Update as necessary. When you feel you are no longer able to contribute in this way (or, if you want to help now, but do not want to make a longer commitment), just let us know.
Also, if you have a jones to update a particular theme, we'd certainly welcome that!
(to be entered into the comments)
LJ username:Reliable email address: Preferred theme (if any):I do/do not have experience with del.icio.us: Assignments will be sent out on a first-come, first-exploited basis.
We thank our members/followers in advance for your help in this! You folks have been amazing in the short life of this community, and we are grateful for any hands-on support you can give!
werewolfsfan, and