Get a Team

Jun 01, 2010 21:35


1. Please answer all questions

2. Your journal must be at least a month old and show signs of use--posts, friends, communities, etc.

3. Once you've been assigned to a team, you will be invited to join this community and your team's community. Please don't ask to join before that. You can accept your invitation here. Invitations not accepted after 14 days are cancelled and you will have to apply again.

4. Please don't apply if you don't have time to participate in at least one activity every other week.

5. I will try to put you in your first or second preference, but please note that I may have to assign you to your other preferences to keep the team numbers even. The team names don't reflect the kinds of activities you'll do, and remember that the name is just that--a name!

6. Read then rules before you apply.

First Choice Team:
Second Choice Team:
Third Choice Team:
Fourth Choice Team:
Who Referred You: (if applicable, that member will get 10 points for their team)


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