Community Leaders

Jun 01, 2010 21:37

It is time to meet the lovely people who help make this community run the way that it does. First, we'd like to introduce you to the two who thought up this entire thing, joykilldrama and omgitsmuggy. While they do belong to teams, they love everyone equally and hope that the best team wins. Unfortunately, they can't agree as to which team is the best.

Now let's meet your team leaders.

TEAM GRYFFINDOR: cherrycolaful & ???
TEAM HUFFLEPUFF: omgitsmuggy and ???
TEAM RAVENCLAW: joykilldrama and lady_supernova
TEAM SLYTHERIN: ashspark & ???

And onto the people responsible for the subcommunities:

hpl_transfig is led by ???
hpl_history is led by ???
hpl_quidditch is led by ???
hpl_greathall is led by ??? and ???

And a special thanks to our lovely banner makers:


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