Title: Promise Fulfilled Rated: G Prompt: er, yes? But we’ll call it ‘Promise’ A/N: This is what happens when my muse looks and goes, “Wow, we missed a lot of prompts. Hey, I know, it's an outline!” She's amusing like that...
Title: Ginny's New Spell Words: 100 Rating: PG Warnings: Lots o' fluff! Author’s Notes: This is a missing moment from HBP. The spell Ginny uses is actually one I made up the other day while goofing around with my fiance. Unfortunately, it had no effect on him as right after I said it we were both thrown into fits of giggles. =)
Title: Distractions in Reverse (prompt: Distractions) Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 100 A/N: I hadn't planned on a sequel to You Can Read Later, but I just couldn't let it go. Off to the sequel. . .