25 Days of Harry and Draco Challenge: Day 10

Dec 19, 2012 18:20

Title: Edmund
Word Count:348(sorry its so short)
Rating: NC 17 for overall possible content. PG for this part.
Prompt: Written for the group slythindor100 picture prompts: Day 10 Winter in London
Warnings: Just More Angst and Misunderstanding More Harry/OC
Disclaimer: JK owns the pretty boys. I just play with them from time to time and write about their naughty little exploits. I make no money from this undertaking.
Author's Notes: This is part 10 of a 25 part series(still playing catch up) called The Christmas Breakup. Part 1 can be found HERE

Edmund by HPFangirl71

Draco left Pansy’s party and Harry returned to the table. He acted like nothing had even happened. He laughed at Ron’s lame jokes and watched as Pansy flirted shamelessly with George. Harry even danced a bit with Edmund. Throughout it all, he couldn’t get Draco out of his head. The scent of his cologne, the warm press of his lips, his heavy grip at the back of Harry’s neck… it all haunted him but silently he held it in and never said a word.

Several unanswered owls to Draco’s home left a frustrated Harry vulnerable. When the invitation to drinks at the Leaky came, he was open to almost anything. He and Edmund had a wonderful evening and arranged for a luncheon the very next afternoon.

Harry never meant for the first kiss to happen but somehow it did. It was on his third or fourth outing with Edmund that the man pulled him in close and their lips sealed his fate. Edmund’s mouth felt warm and inviting beneath his own and Harry gave in without hesitation. There may have been a bit of guilt at the back of his mind but it went away as the kiss progressed. It might not be so hard to move on after all…

In the week or so after Pansy’s pre-holiday party things between Harry and Edmund continued to slowly progress as he spent time with the man out and about London. The winter weather was wonderful and he enjoyed having someone to enjoy it with. He and Edmund had pretty much become an official couple, especially where the Daily Prophet was concerned.

The public scrutiny made Harry slightly uneasy but it felt good to be able to kiss a man out in public or to hold his hands at the dinner table. It felt comfortable being paired with Edmund. In fact it was so comfortable that Harry only found himself occasionally comparing this with what he’d once had with Draco. This thing with Edmund wasn’t quite the same but it was real and it wasn’t a secret.

pairing:jace/alec, ongoing series: the christmas breakup, community:slythindor100, occasion:christmas, fandom:harry potter, pairing:magnus/alec, rating:pg

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