Title: ... attack of Ten ...
physixxx Warning: poor punctuation and capitalization
Summary: Crookshanks must protect his master's friend from a regular intruder. He shall not fail!
Prompt: Anything with Crookshanks
Pairings: Harry/???
Characters: Crookshanks, Harry, ???
Word Count: 574
my name is crookshanks.
or at least, that is She calls out when She is particularly pleased or angered with me or when She needs me to come to Her. i should be with Her now. Outside is Black; the Heat in Sky is gone. but instead, i Hunt.
part of any Hunt is the waiting and i wait under where one of Her friends - the one She calls ‘harry’ when She is pleased or angered with him or when She needs him to come to Her. i wait in the room with the smells of the Others - two-legged beasts that all come when they are called, i simply don’t care to remember how to call them.
they wouldn’t understand me, anyway.
i feel Air slide into the room. i know the door to the room has opened. i can smell Them, the distinct smell of Milk if it has been left out for too long. i know it’s him. i know he is here to see the one She calls ‘harry’ - he’s been here before.
i remember being under the place where the one She calls ‘harry’ sleeps the last time he was here. i remember the room smelling like I do before i pounce on another of my kind when she calls for me, howling in the wind. i remember the grunting and growling and scratching and chanting. i remember the sky above me as it went up and down, up and down, up and down. i remember harry calling out the intruder’s name until Breath left him. the intruder must be hurting the one named ‘harry’ and She would not want that. so, i protect him as i would Her.
She will be pleased when She finds out. She will feed me Nice and scratch the sides of my jaw until my mouth wets.
i remember what the intruder’s Ten looked like.
and they are here now, prowling around the room, just like they did last time - long and slender, with patches of fine yellow fur so slight that i’m sure harry can’t see them. as they walk around the room looking for evidence of the Others, they twitch and curl, enticing me - begging me to pounce on them.
so i do.
“mine!” i scream, although i know the intruder cannot understand me. i dart from under the one She calls ‘harry’s sleeping den and latch on the intruder’s Ten. he yells out his curses, hopping as he tries to bat me away like i would a mouse. But i am on the Hunt and i will not be denied.
the intruder falls on den of the one She calls ‘harry’, shrieking and clawing at me. i scream ‘mine’ once more - for added effect.
the one She calls ‘harry’ runs in the room. he’s howling in the way that i know means he is happy. he grabs me and tosses me from the intruder, howling still. he jumps atop the two-legged beast, and i smell that Scent again. i wonder if it is time for me to Hunt for a different kind of tail.
should i leave the one She calls ‘harry’ alone with the intruder, though? they are wrestling again on his den. certainly, he can handle things from here. after all, he handled things fine the last time... and the time before That... and the time before That.
yes, the one She calls ‘harry’ will be fine... because of me.
he can thank me when Heat comes back to Sky.