Let's play "I WISH"!

Jan 09, 2011 18:14

Hi, everyone!

This community has been really quiet lately and I was thinking we should give it some activity again. How about we play a game?

I know these are stressing times in RL and fandom (take it from the person who signed up for more fests than she could ever handle), so I was thinking of a game you can play whenever you want to, with no deadlines, requirements, rules, etc. And most importantly: it doesn't take too much time to play.

This community is focused on everyone's wishes referred to the Harry Potter fandom. So, what do you think about expressing your wishes here to all of us?

It's simple. Comment saying what you wish would happen or would have happened in the Harry Potter universe.

For example,

I wish JKR hadn't married George with Angelina in canon.


I wish Hermione would have also had the opportunity of seeing the Mirror of Eraised.

It could also be something completely un-canon. Something you wish would happen in the future for the characters.

I wish Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy moved to France after the War with Draco to spend some time in family after the terrible experience.


I wish Percy's kids are rebels and give him a lesson.

This are just examples (please, try to ignore my many mistakes. The grammar of "I wish" was something I never completely understood while studying English). Express whatever you feel like saying. Introduce us to new possibilities in the future JKR never wrote of or voice your discontent in canon events. Just... play! However you like, whenever you like. And invite your friends!

ETA: Only rule, of course, is respect. Respect other people's opinions and thoughts. You can debate and discuss but do not insult or go over the line. If this happens I will only warn once before banning that person from the community. Don't make me act like a b¡tçh and play nicely so we can all have some good fun :)

Help us pimp this out!

http://community.livejournal.com/hp_wishes/28576.html" _fcksavedurl="http://community.livejournal.com/hp_wishes/28576.html">Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!http://i.imgur.com/jM60U.jpg" _fcksavedurl="http://i.imgur.com/jM60U.jpg" />

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