So much fun over at the
Reunion Roll Call! And it doesn't have to end! You can check-in at anytime during the reunion or just look around and say hello.
And don't forget the
Commentfest! We have a few fills already and lots of great prompts! I know for a lot of us returning, we're not here anymore because of limited time and the commentfest is a great place to just pop-in and read a few things.
One thing we thought would be fun, is to go back and recall events, either by being creative and writing up a post pretending that event just occurred OR going back and finding your original post/comments. OR even if you just want to comment here and talk about it. There's no rules here.
Today let's go back and remember what it was like when we first got our LJ's. What was your first post? Who was your first friend?
You can link your post here in the comments or write your post here or at your LJ and link it here. Or just tell us. However, you want to share it, we're interested!