The ball begins

Oct 30, 2007 14:46

Millicent twirled the fake tail of her cat costume around in a circle, waiting for Percy Weasley to step out of his private bathroom. She'd allowed him to pick his own costume, but made sure he would spend the entire evening occupied with various other Ministry personnel ( Read more... )

plot: halloween ball, time: night, location: ministry of magic

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assuesco November 2 2007, 20:51:23 UTC
"Okay, so Jason's a no. Terry doesn't have a girlfriend... yeah, let's not go there. Gonna introduce me any of your coworkers at all? Did you even have Susan meet them yet?" She saw that the answer to that question was a clear 'no'. "Here's an easier question for $1000, did you tell your girlfriend that you're a big shot Hit Wizard yet?"


be_like_mike November 2 2007, 20:56:25 UTC
Mike reacted quickly, turning to her and taking a hold of her arm. "Do you need a loudspeaker for god's sake?" Alright, that was a little dramatic, but no, he hadn't told Susan yet because he couldn't find a moment in which to do so. That, or he was chicken.

When he noticed Lisa's rather large eyes he released his grasp on her.


got_smarts November 2 2007, 20:59:10 UTC
"......Everything ok?" Terry asked as he stood in front of them, carrying three drinks. He held one out to Mike. "Thought you'd need a refresher at this point. Line's pretty long." He then held a glass of champagne out to Lisa giving her a questioning look.


assuesco November 2 2007, 21:13:14 UTC
"Thanks." She took the champagne flute and took a sip, "Mike's having man issues, maybe you can translate. He hasn't told his sweetheart about his job. See, I can't tell mine because he's a muggle so I have to break up with him, but Susan's a nice understanding witch with great bedside manners. She'll understand. Am I missing something?"


got_smarts November 2 2007, 21:16:58 UTC
Terry looked at Mike with an air of disappointment. "I thought you were going to tell her last Saturday. When you two went out?" He then looked at Lisa and added, "And what do you mean you're breaking up with-" Terry couldn't recall his name.


be_like_mike November 2 2007, 21:19:21 UTC
"Duncan," Mike finished for Terry then looked back at Lisa. "She won't understand. She's already on edge that I even work for the law enforcement department-"


got_smarts November 2 2007, 21:20:41 UTC
Terry interrupted, "Technically you don't, Corner. You're a Hit Wizard." He smiled as he took a drink.


be_like_mike November 2 2007, 21:22:09 UTC
Sighing audibly, Mike hissed out, "Can we drop this?"


assuesco November 2 2007, 22:00:58 UTC
"Mmm... no. If you don't tell her, I'm going to tell her myself." Lisa started taking steps back, drinking more of her champagne until the glass was empty. A man walked by dressed like Julius Caesar with a tray of three champagne glasses, she traded the empty flute in her hand for a full one. "Champagne has a higher alcohol percentage than ale, who knows what else I'll accidentally let slip?"


be_like_mike November 3 2007, 02:30:23 UTC
Mike's eyes widened ever so slightly when he saw Susan standing just behind Lisa. It looked as though she'd heard Lisa's little speech.

"Su-susan...," he choked out. "I was just going to find you."


huffle_sus November 3 2007, 08:35:49 UTC
"What would she let slip that you don't want me to know about?" she asked, staring at Mike as Lisa walked off.


got_smarts November 3 2007, 12:52:24 UTC
Following Lisa's cue, Terry stepped away as well. He saw Ron Weasley wandering around alone and thought it'd be a good chance to catch up.


be_like_mike November 3 2007, 13:04:55 UTC
He opened his mouth to speak, thinking of simply telling her about one of his little addictions/fetishes, whatever you want to call them, but realized he had to suck it up and confess. Now was the perfect time... if there ever was one. Of course, having waited so long only added to how much more angry she'd be about it.

He shut his mouth and glanced at the floor. "I sort of need to tell you something. Relating to the reason why I still have yet to introduce you to anyone I work with...." He didn't want to see her face. His eyes only lifted as high as her knees.


huffle_sus November 3 2007, 21:57:12 UTC
"If you're going to tell me some great revelation about your job, you should look at me while you do it," she replied, crossing her arms over her chest.


be_like_mike November 3 2007, 22:25:45 UTC
He met her eyes like a scolded child scared of a punishment. "I've been training with a different department for the past few years. A-aside from Law Enforcement." He swallowed, she looked really mad. He added meekly, "I was with the Law Enforcement when we met up. I didn't lie to you."

She didn't look convinced, but he finished anyway. Simply. "I'm a Hit Wizard."


huffle_sus November 3 2007, 22:39:01 UTC
"So you simply omitted the fact that you could be seriously hurt if you ever went out on a hit?" she asked. "You didn't even consider how I would take it, did you?"


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