The ball begins

Oct 30, 2007 14:46

Millicent twirled the fake tail of her cat costume around in a circle, waiting for Percy Weasley to step out of his private bathroom. She'd allowed him to pick his own costume, but made sure he would spend the entire evening occupied with various other Ministry personnel ( Read more... )

plot: halloween ball, time: night, location: ministry of magic

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assuesco November 2 2007, 17:22:59 UTC
Lisa and Terry arrived at the Ministry of Magic approximately thirty minutes late. It was alright, at an event like this it was appropriate to fashionably late. They had to go through the visitor's entrance since Terry wasn't an employee of the Ministry, and met quite a few people on the way. Their costumes were a bit generic, some were dressed as muggles, others dressed in their old Hogwarts robes. It was obvious that eyes were on Terry and herself, they were dressed in costumes that no one would have an idea about, including Terry.

Lisa led the way into the ballroom, playing with the gauntlets on her hands. "Terry, come on. Stop whining about the leather, and watch your sword, you're poking people."


got_smarts November 2 2007, 17:27:26 UTC
Terry's boots made loud clomping noises against the smooth floor as they hurried. "Poking people? That's the least of my concerns, Lis." He fidgeted with a strap across his chest. "This sword's way too big. It's heavy and I can barely fit in this hallway."


assuesco November 2 2007, 17:32:54 UTC
Lisa turned her head back to look at Terry, her eyes bright through her now dark hair. "What are you talking about? Just turn sideways, you'll be fine. You're not ditching the sword, it's what makes you Cloud. Mike should've dressed up as Sephiroth, you guys could have some epic sword fight."


got_smarts November 2 2007, 17:40:09 UTC
Terry grabbed the handle of his sword and moved it so the sword was parallel with the wall as they walked. "I thought I was Strike. St-Strife, I mean. Whoever. Who's Cloud?" He continued on, frustrated that it was all so confusing, "And don't bring another name into this. I'm lost as it is."

He went to brush a hand through his hair and soon realized it was rock hard, gelled up into thick spikes. Not to mention, dyed yellow-blond.


assuesco November 2 2007, 17:54:08 UTC
"Cloud is Strife. Cloud Strife. That's his name, that's you. I knew I should've made you watch Advent Children before today." She tossed her hair back to see her dark locks, just for the fun of it. Lisa grabbed a hold of Terry and pulled him next to her, pointing at some people as they entered. "See that girl dressed like Little Bo Peep? A lot more peep's more like it, she's a Class A bitch."


got_smarts November 2 2007, 18:03:03 UTC
Terry stumbled through the doorway when Lisa tugged on him. He nearly got caught up when his sword went behind him and flattened out perpendicular against his back. "Lisa, geez! Watch it a second." He looked up to see where she was pointing. "What are you talking about? You work with her?"


assuesco November 2 2007, 18:26:12 UTC
Lisa nodded, "She always takes these long lunches with the Department Head, and I swear it wasn't sour cream that was on her shirt." She stopped, thinking about what she said, "I sound like those witches at the water cooler, ew."

She looked around, trying to see through crowds of people in costumes for people she actually wanted to converse with. Where was Mike anyway?


got_smarts November 2 2007, 18:30:49 UTC
Making a face at Lisa's comment, Terry straightened from her. "Oh, gross... please don't share this sort of-" He cut off when he felt the weight on his back lighten. He turned to find the tip of his own sword in his face.


be_like_mike November 2 2007, 18:36:14 UTC
"Greetings ghouls," Mike smirked, holding Terry's sword at him. He glanced over at Lisa who had just turned at the sound of his voice. He looked back at Terry and added, "You might want to keep an eye on this. You could slice a fucking semi in half by the feel of it."


assuesco November 2 2007, 18:55:07 UTC
"It's not real, I wouldn't trust Terry with a butter knife, let alone that Bustersword." She looked at Mike's getup, torn up jacket, fake blood and all. She didn't get a chance to see him before he left the flat, since she was busy getting herself ready and trying to make sure Terry didn't kill himself putting his on.

"You're a... jock. What the hell happened?"


be_like_mike November 2 2007, 19:00:20 UTC
Mike took a sip from his mixed drink as Terry struggled to put his sword back in its sheath. He studied Lisa's dark mane before answering her ridiculous question.

"I'm captain of the football team. Well, was, before my psycho head cheerleader girlfriend went crazy and killed me. Jealous over some chick in the marching band. She claims I was flirting."


assuesco November 2 2007, 19:12:02 UTC
Lisa nodded dumbly, "Uh...huh." She clapped and thrust a fist up in the air, the other hand on her hip, "That's alright, that's ok! You look ridiculous anyway! So where's that murdering jockette?"


got_smarts November 2 2007, 19:19:10 UTC
Terry rolled his eyes. The arguing and ridiculing was starting. "You want a drink, Lis?" He continued on though Lisa didn't respond. "I'll go get us drinks while you two catch up. I know it's been what?...forty-five minutes since you last saw each other?"

He turned from them and headed further into the room to find the bar and hopefully someone else he recognized.


be_like_mike November 2 2007, 19:25:07 UTC
Ignoring Terry, Mike smiled coldly over the rim of his glass. "You're a princess. She's in the restroom... like you care."

He took a drink then looked at her hair again. "So why the dark hair? Tired of the Cinderella jokes? There's always Snow White."


assuesco November 2 2007, 19:44:49 UTC
"I care, anyone who can put you down is my hero for life." She grinned and held her hand up, with only her pointer and little fingers outstretched and the other fingers bent in to form a 'rock on' sign.

"And don't diss my costume, I make a really good Tifa. You're just jealous because my date is hotter than yours."


be_like_mike November 2 2007, 19:51:20 UTC
He looked in the direction Terry had vanished. "Your date had trouble getting into the room, I saw."

They stood in silence a moment as Mike finished his drink. He thought he should go find Susan since he had moved from where they were last standing, but when he angled his eyes towards Lisa to tell her he noticed a vacant look. A little concerned, he asked casually, "That Aussie chill out finally? He shouldn't be sore at you, you know."


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