(no subject)

Jul 16, 2007 13:45

Terry/Luna, just after the party (yes, there is a kiss, finally!!)

Terry was helping Shannon and Logan clear off the poolside tables and went to find another trash bag from behind the bar. Luna was looking at the different empty liquor bottles lining the tabletop as he approached. He smiled, "Bar's closed, Miss. Can I get you a water?"

"I'm okay, thank you," Luna said, grinning up at him. She hadn't really been drinking, swimming had given her quite enough of a buzz and the company had kept it going. "I've had a lot of water today, and most of it chlorinated."

He laughed and pulled a bag from a box behind the cooler of beer. He straightened and looked at her kindly as he pulled it open. "You hanging out for a while?"

"I can," Luna said agreeably, leaning against the table. "If you want to, of course I will."

He grinned at her. "Since it's my birthday? You know, you don't always have to be so congenial." He moved from behind the table so he could head back to Shannon and Logan, but waited for her.

Luna grinned and gave him a playful shove, falling into step beside him. "No, of course not for your birthday. Because I like you, silly! Why would I be in a bad mood?"

He walked with her back to the tables and shrugged. "I don't know. You don't have to be in a poor mood, just...," he laughed when he realized one can never argue with Luna. He already knew that. He looked over at her with a crooked smirk and tried anyway, "you can be tired, drunk... sad that Kevin knocked your cake on the ground..."

"But I slept just fine," Luna retorted, still smiling despite his odd expression. She had a strange urge to kiss it away, but they weren't playing the spin game anymore and Mike hadn't liked it too much when she kissed him impulsively, so she held herself back. "And I didn't need alcohol or sugar, really. The party was fun enough without it." Her brow furrowed a little. "You're in a good mood, aren't you?"

He looked up to find Shannon and Logan arguing, as usual, but not loudly. It hadn't escalated yet. He stopped and turned to Luna not wanting to interrupt. "Of course. We just had a party." He scanned the area for Lisa and Mike, they always went missing when it was time to clean up.

"Good," Luna said happily, touching his sleeve. "So what do you want to do?"

He looked back at her. "Do?" He honestly didn't know what she meant. There was cleaning up to do and that's all he knew.

"You said we were hanging out for a while," Luna explained. She looked up at him a bit worriedly. "Aren't we?"

The "hanging out" comment was more frivolous banter than an invitation. "Um, well.... yes? I was going to clean up." He looked around again. "I'm not quite sure where Lisa and Mike are-" but he was cut off when there was a loud splash in the pool. That would be Lisa and Mike. "Nevermind."

Luna smiled at the sound. She was tempted to go back in the pool, but she was already so waterlogged that she could conceivably drown when her pores got overloaded with liquid. "Okay," she said to Terry, looking around. "Want help?"

"Sure." He moved to the table next to Shannon and Logan and started clearing it, keeping the bag open for them to toss bottles in. "I'm just hoping they recycle at this place," he told her matter of factly.

"Aren't there spells for that?" Luna asked. She took aim and shot a bottle directly into the bag, smiling with satisfaction when it clinked loudly against the bag's contents. "I once made a necklace out of old broken bottles, but they were more colourful."

Terry hurriedly, put a hand over her wand when the spell was complete. "Luna!" he hissed! "There were muggles here." He looked around and although quite sure they were all gone, he stressed nonetheless.

"Oh," Luna said, deflating a little. She hurriedly tucked her wand back into her skirt and grabbed a few bottles by hand, apologizing profusely. "I'm sorry, Terry, I didn't realize."

He watched her. Why did he always flip out about things like that? He was always so worried about others. "I-I'm sorry-" he started, but she kept her head down, continuing to clean. He reached a hand to her wrist. "Hey." He tried to look at her face but she was obviously hurt. "I'm sorry. You're right. Who's up, huh?" He stopped worrying about the mess and started worrying about her.

"No, it's my fault, I didn't mean to make you upset at your birthday party," Luna said. She glanced at the hand on her wrist and carefully turned it to take his hand, looking up at him with wide, sincere eyes. "You shouldn't be cleaning, anyway."

He smiled softly at her, letting her hold onto his hand, "I don't mind cleaning. And I'm not upset."

"Good," Luna said quietly, relieved. She wanted to kiss him again, that smile looked delicious, and besides that would make sure he wasn't upset, right? Unless he got mad at her for it, of course. "Uhm," she began, and then lost her nerve. Why was it so much harder to be bold around Terry (except when she was drunk)? "Why don't we finish quickly, and then we can do something else?"

He grinned bashfully and dropped his head as he finished clearing the table. "What's this something else that's got your mind all distracted?"

"Oh, uhm..." Luna flushed red. She wrung her hands a little and looked at the floor, then back up at him. "Iwanttokissyou."

Terry was sure he heard her wrong. His brow furrowed when he looked up at her. "Sorry?"

"I... want to kiss you?" It was more of a question than a statement. Luna didn't think she'd ever been more embarrassed in her life. "I mean, not if you don't want to, of course..." And now she was rambling and she knew it, so she cut herself off, biting her lip.

Terry wasn't sure what to do. Or say for that matter. If Luna hadn't looked so uncomfortable he'd have assumed she meant one of her typical silly kisses, but it didn't seem the case this time. He straightened, tossing the last bottle in the bag. It was hard to read Luna. She was always happily flirting with every guy and girl in the room. He assumed it was the same for him and that's why he had always dismissed Lisa and Mike's comments.

He wiped his hands on his hips. "Let me walk you out."

"Okay," Luna agreed quietly. She watched his face carefully, not sure what he was thinking, and held out a hand for him to take. If he was mad, maybe he'd take it as a sort of peace gesture, and if he liked her, maybe he'd take it the way she meant it, instead.

He pressed the bag closed and sat it on a chair, careful so nothing spilled out, then took her hand. They left the pool area in silence and he didn't stop until the lights weren't so bright and the sky was more visible. He took a moment before turning to her. He looked serious, but instead spoke, "I've been handling trash for the last half hour. Would you be upset if I touched your face?" He brought his fingers up to her cheek and barely let the tips caress her cheek as he waited for her answer.

"Of course not," Luna said, tilting her face up towards his hand. She wasn't afraid of a little dirt, after all, and she'd already gotten the funny smelling water all over her. Besides, his fingers felt nice, and he couldn't be upset if he wanted to touch her, could he?

"Okay," he smiled his crooked smile and let his fingers fully press against her cheek. He gave the hand he was holding a slight squeeze and tugged on it so she took a step closer.

He was smiling again, Luna noted. An answering smile spread over her face, and she looked up at him hopefully, leaning into his touch. "Can I...?" she asked again, still a little bit uncertain.

"Unless you'd prefer I kissed you."

That confused her. She blinked up at him, and took a small step closer. "Doesn't it amount to the same thing?"

Luna always thought of something to say that confused the hell out of Terry. Why was she being so literal right now? Instead of answering her he leaned down as his fingers slid beneath her chin, tilting her face up and kissed her.

Luna couldn't help but smile into the kiss, and she raised her free hand to rest on his chest, holding herself steady as she kissed him back. His mouth was warm and just as soft as she thought it would be, and the taste of him made her lips tingle with delight.

Terry parted his lips slightly, not rudely, and gave her bottom lip an extra kiss. He felt warmer with her hand on his chest.

Luna made a soft, involuntary noise and pressed closer, opening her mouth to his. She clung to his hand a little too tightly as the excitement of the moment started to make her lightheaded, and the hand on his chest tightened a little in his shirt.

He smiled when she pressed closer then deepened the kiss. He brought her hand up between them and held her steadier this way. His other hand trailed back up her cheek and into her hair. After a long moment, his mouth slowly closed as they kissed until he pulled softly from her.

Luna was grateful for the support as the kiss deepened, making her knees go weak. She opened her eyes slowly as he pulled away, and though she looked a bit dazed she was watching him intently. "I really like you, Terry," she whispered, almost timidly.

He looked down at her then leaned in and kissed her forehead which was a little closer to his level. He would normally take that comment to mean "as a friend", that's how it always was with him. But they way she kissed him didn't exactly scream friendship.

He stepped back from her and let their hands fall again, though he still hung onto hers. "I know this is not good timing, but let me walk you to the Floo because I need to get home myself."

"Oh," Luna said. "Uhm. Okay." She wasn't sure what she was supposed to say to that, except what she had already said, and her smile faded a little, but the hopeful light in her eyes didn't disappear.

He walked alongside her up to Mike's building and held the door for her. When they were inside he gripped her hand tighter and brought it up to his chest, rubbing both of their hands with his other one. "It's always so cold in here."

"You're warm, though," Luna said with a small smile. What had happened to her confidence? Terry's seriousness made it all disappear, but she loved his personality, he was everything that everyone had always accused her of not being.

He brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it. When they got to the Floo he stopped and faced her, taking her other hand. "I'm not copping out, I honestly have a dog at my place and he's on medication every twelve hours. I had to watch him on my weekend off of course, right?"

"Oh, of course," Luna laughed, feeling happier with both of her hands in his. She could still feel the soft press of his mouth against the back of her hand, and it made her want to kiss him again. "I'll go, then, and let you get back to the important things. But I'll see you again?"

He pulled on her hands so she stepped to him again and wrapped her arms around his waist. He looked down his nose at her in a flirtatious manner now that she was so close. "Come over tomorrow night. You can see the patient."

"I'd like that," Luna agreed, her smile widening at the invitation. She clasped her hands behind his back, leaning against him. "But I'd rather cuddle with the vet."

Terry grinned. "I think he's free." He looked into her eyes a moment then lifted his hands to her face to hold it up as he leaned in to kiss her again. When he pulled away, it wasn't very far. He let his forehead touch hers and in the intimate closeness whispered, "Seems I like you too."

Luna felt like her smile might split her face in two. She let go of his waist and wrapped her arms around his neck, lifting her head just slightly to place a light kiss on the tip of his nose. She wanted to laugh, she was so happy, but he always seemed to get worried when she laughed too loudly, like in the pool, so she bit it back. After a moment, she relaxed a little, leaning her head into his hands, and gave a small sigh. "I suppose I really should go, shouldn't I?"

Terry's actions were a little less romantical than Luna's. He let go of her face and replied. "Suppose so. If you don't, not sure if tomorrow night'll ever come."

"It always does, Terry," Luna told him softly, smiling up at him. "Whether you're there to see it or not." She let her eyes rove over his face one last time, then took a step towards the Floo, reaching for the powder.

Terry watched her with a stupid schoolboy smile and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Travel safe," he told her.

Luna laughed at that. She threw a handful of powder into the fire and waved playfully at him over her shoulder before calling out, "Luna's Flat!" And she disappeared.

Terry turned and headed back outside to finish up. He didn't shake his smile until he was in the pool yard.

terry/luna, birthday, party, rp, status: complete

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