Terry and Lisa Conversations at the Party

Jul 15, 2007 23:06

Pool Party: Terry and Lisa

Terry turned from the bar, holding a drink. "Hey," he smiled at Lisa who suddenly appeared behind him, "Drink?"

Lisa hopped up behind him, grinning. "Yes please." It was a nice change of scenery today, friends all around having a good time, drinks were being served and she wasn't the one doing it, and best of all - lots and lots of presents. "HB, Terrance!"

Terry grinned and handed her his drink. He'd get another. "You're in a good mood after that Spin the Bottle fiasco." He didn't want to get her upset so he added, "It wasn't really a fiasco though. No one's fault... no one even noticed." Pause. "Ok, well, Corner's fault. But what's a social event without Corner screwing us over?"

She took a sip of the alcohol from the cup, "Do I look like a person that'd get her knickers in a twist about that sort of thing?" There might have been a slight chance that she was bothered that Mike left the game when he was supposed to kiss her (after he had kissed Susan), but in a way she was a little relieved. To kiss him after he kissed Susan would be Lisa kissing her in some kind of indirect way. She didn't want that. "The game went on, I made out with a girl, the world keeps on turning. Cheers." She tapped her plastic cup against Terry's new drink before taking another drink.

Terry tapped his cup to hers and took a drink, watching her all the while. When they were through he commented. "There was a pause there."

Lisa lifted her eyes at him, looking over the rim of the cup. "What pause?"

Terry shrugged. "A pause. After the whole none of it bothered you schpeil." He lifted his eyes to the small crowd that had formed near the barbeque. Was that Logan flipping burgers? God help us...

"No pause. Just a disturbing thought." Was there a pause? Lisa honestly couldn't remember. Has Terry been practicing how to read into people? Maybe being around all those animals he works with sharpened up his intuition. "What're you saying?"

He looked back at Lisa, Oh, right, the Mike/Lisa thing. "I'm simply pointing out there was a side thought. From you." He couldn't meet Lisa's eyes which refused to settle on him. "You're not upset Corner didn't kiss you are you?"

When Terry asked her his question she was in the middle of taking another sip of her drink. She had almost lifted her head up and spit out her drink, and it would've probably been at him. Instead she coughed, some of the liquid going down the wrong way, "What are you, nuts?"

Terry snerked. "I've been told. Yes. But, it's alright. ....the Corner thing, not me possibly being nuts." He took another drink and moved past Lisa out into the sun.

She spun around to look at him, what he was saying made no sense to her. "Speak a language I know, Ter. I'm lost." Lisa wasn't dense, she was a Ravenclaw for a reason, but she really had no idea what Terry was implying. She thought about their conversation up to the present; Mike ruined game, game ok, she's hunky-dory, something about a pause...Terry might have some GHB mixed into his drink because Lisa still didn't get it.

He didn't look back at her as he was watching Logan try to feed their guests. Also, he had been drinking all afternoon. And a bit late morning. Mike had made himself and Lisa one, two... no, three Bloody Mary's that morning in pre-gaming preparation. He spoke when Lisa came up beside him. "Am I doing that whole Cheshire cat thing? I feel like I'm doing the cat thing..."

"Cheshire cat, Mad Hatter, Tweedle Dee-Dum, whatever. En anglais, s'il vou plaît." Somewhere deep down Lisa did have an idea what Terry was trying to imply, she just liked to ignore it. Things were great as is and Lisa's not one to mess with a wonderful thing.

He looked at her, "What was your question?"

Oh, he was starting to get on her nerves. "You know what I'm talking about, spill it or I'll break into your flat and track mud in."

He turned to face her. He really didn't want to get on anyone's nerves, let alone an angry woman who was threatening to soil his new carpet. He raised a hand defensively. "I was really waiting for an answer from you. Are you upset Corner didn't kiss you? Because you shouldn't be. Really."

Lisa's eyes somehow found Mike through the guests, he was entertaining Susan. Catching up with eight years of happenings, she supposed. "Not upset." She looked up at Terry, who was giving her a skeptical look. "I'm serious. I wouldn't want to kiss him, he only brushes his teeth once a day." She grinned for a second, bumping him with her shoulder, "Glad to be the first guinea pig for you to use your animal psychology on, thanks a lot."

Terry was unfazed by her humor and turned slightly to see who her eyes found in the crowd. When he turned back to her he was already speaking. "There are three girls I know that can get Michael Corner out on a dance floor." He started counting off on his fingers, "Ginny Weasley. Susan Bones. And Lisa Turpin." He saw the unconvinced eyes and added, "He's got all these wild mates in America and supposedly is really into music, but hmm, can't seem to connect to someone on a dance floor. Luna Lovegood's tried her best."

"Dance floor's irrelevant. He doesn't kiss... hasn't kissed anyone but those two, remember?" She tried to drink more of her beer but the cup was empty. Already? "Stop trying to pair people up in your head and focus on getting yourself a girlfriend, will you please?"

Terry grinned. "He'll kiss you," he told her as she turned from him to go back to the bar.

She laughed out loud, some of their guests turned to look at her. Lisa waved Hermione and Tonks away, telling them to go back to their intimate discussion. "No way, I wouldn't kiss him." She shook her head, laughing slightly still. Terry's notion was ridiculous, Mike and Lisa's relationship was purely based on friendship... with her leaching off him. Nothing more.

"So you'd've ended the game just the same." He spoke matter-of-factly, knowing he was getting under her skin.

She grinned cheekily at him to hide her annoyance, "I would've done a do-over. Cuz I turned 11 this year, Uncle Ter, 11 year olds are allowed to do do-overs."

Terry took a drink. "You're just like him," he mused. "Just shag and put us out of our misery already."

Lisa filled her cup with new beer, 'Oh beer, you're the only company I keep that never lets me down.' "Drop it. It's never gonna happen, there's one guy I plan on shagging in the near future and it's not Mike." Her attention wavered just for a moment when Luna threw a beach ball their way, Lisa held her cup steady as she hit the ball back to her, laughing at her silliness. She was the hostess, after all, she needed to show her good mood. It would be terribly awkward if one of the honorees died with a bruise that strangely fit Lisa's hands around his neck.

Terry looked out over the pool and gave Lisa her space. But Lisa didn't move away. Eventually he moved past her when he saw Tony and Padma sitting with their legs in the pool, eating burgers. As he went by her he asked, "Aren't you even just a little curious?"


Terry ran into Lisa a little later in the day, rather she ran into him. She bumped his knee as she went by a table he was sitting at. He reached out and took hold of her elbow to slow her. "Hey, Lisa. I-I'm sorry about before." He said the second part quieter than the first. He didn't need his goofy neighbor, Nick, to hear their conversation.

She looked at him for a moment, what was Terry talking about? Oh, right. That. Why's he bringing it back up again, that boat had already sailed for Lisa. "You're still thinking about that?" She bent the upper part of her body down and put her hands on his knees, shaking them. "Cheer up, it's a party."

He grinned at her. "I know." He showed her an almost empty cup with crushed ice and mint leaves. "Have you had one of these? They're incredibly addicting." It was Terry's fourth. His grin went a little crooked and he partially slurred out, "I just donwan you to be sore at me. Duncan's a nice bloke."

"I'm not mad and he's a cute guy. You know, I like him enough to want to date him." It was well known how picky Lisa is with dating men, even while she was at Hogwarts she turned down boys who asked her out because she knew she wasn't interested in them. She wasn't the type to have a romantic fairy tale fantasy boyfriend, she just had standards she kept to.

"Date?" Terry was impressed. Though he found it amusing to watch the building sexual tension, (it was there, wasn't it?), between his best mates, he was more than happy for them to find relationships beyond the flat. "Well, I do believe that'll just leave me stag won't it?" He gave Lisa a wink and took her hands to remove them so he could stand. He ended up using her slightly for balance. "I need to find some food. Time to sober up. Can I get you anything?"

She shook her head, "I'm okay." Lisa put an arm around his shoulders, partially to keep him steady, walking with him over to where the food was kept out. "But you need to find yourself a girl, mate," she said, copying the Johnny Depp line from Pirates of the Caribbean. "No fifth-wheeling allowed for you."

Terry nodded, head down so they were closer in height and he could hear her. "Aye, aye. But funny, don't know any girls who wouldn't get pissed when I cut a date short for a dog." At the food table Terry took a plate and piled some left over food on top. He surveyed a hot dog thoroughly, arching an eyebrow. "Think Bradley'd hex my food? I don't think he likes me. Dunno why we put him on grill..."

"Date a healer, they'll cut the date short for a person blown up like a whale." Of course when she was saying this she had Mandy in mind, didn't she put her studies before the relationship or something? Lisa didn't remember, and the three cups of beer and one shooter she had wasn't helping her jog her memory about it. "Just eat it. He doesn't hate you... if it makes you feel better, he didn't even make that for you so it can't be hexed."

He took a large bite of it on Lisa's word. He nearly finished the whole thing in that one bite. Why did boys eat so much, with so little effort? He spoke with his cheeks full, his manners diminishing with the alcohol intake. "Jus point Susan out... s'I know where to go if I star to feewl ligh-headed."

She put her hand in front of Terry's face to make sure he'd see it, closed her hand into a fist save for her pointer finger, using it to direct him to her flat. "She's up there, sleeping. She's the biggest lightweight." Lisa made a fist with the same hand she pointed with, looking so painfully stricken, biting down on her knuckles. "She's in Mish's bed, that's like going to third base already." She rolled her eyes and went back to her usual self, letting her arm drop from Terry's shoulder, reaching for a potato chip.

Terry looked up at the building and swallowed. His words were easier to understand now. "She's asleep already?" He looked at Lisa. "What time is it? Like seven?"

Lisa checked her non-existant watch on her wrist, "It's... how should I know?" She grabbed Kevin's wrist as he was walking past them and took a look at his waterproof/fireproof wristwatch. "6:30." Susan was down only three hours into the party? Did someone slip her a roofie?

"Well, look out. Corner's free to make a jackass out of himself now." Terry looked up when his name was called. It was Shannon, she wanted a napkin and pointed at the pile by his hip. He turned and looked at the table, seeing the napkins and picked a few up. He looked at Lisa. "I'm gonna go sit. Wanna join?"

She was about to answer him when she saw Padma and Lavender call her over to them. "Nah. I'm gonna go mingle. Do some girly stuff. Maybe finally jump in the pool, knock on plastic." Lisa tapped her knuckles on the plastic fold table, she was really hoping for some pool time before the party thinned out. After greeting everybody and having to wait for her food to finish digesting in her system, time just flew by.

She left Terry's side after making sure he didn't fall off his chair when he sat down, he might be a pain with some of the things he says but Lisa didn't want him to get hurt. Who else would she make fun of for his OCD? Or tease him about how he wants to hook up with Luna so badly. Lisa went over to where Lavender was waving from, but only after grabbing a stick of celery. One for the short distance.

birthday, terry/lisa, party, rp, pool party

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