sixwords timeline locked to Sirius and James the elder.

Sep 17, 2007 19:01

Who? Harry Potter, James Potter the elder, and Sirius Black
What? Sometimes a boy needs his dad and godfather all right.
When? After Teddy is returned to the infirmary and messages are sent out to those who needed to receive them.
Why? Because none of you will just let me end his misery and kill him already.

After sending his patronus to everyone with news that Teddy was back and in the infirmary, Harry took off toward the Whomping Willow. Using a branch to hit the knob, he entered the tunnel and started the long walk toward the shack. About halfway through, the events of the last few weeks hit him full on and he found himself screaming at the top of his lungs while pounding at the walls with his fists. If asked later he wouldn't be able to recall exactly what he screamed. Most of it was nonsense that only made sense in the midst of a full on breakdown.

Could men his age have nervous breakdowns? Maybe this was a midlife crisis. It was time to trade his old broom in for a newer model. Unfortunately he married the perfect woman so there would be no trading her in for a younger model. Kicking and punching at the walls, he screamed until his throat was raw, and then he turned and calmly continued his walk toward the shack. He thought about a baby with turquoise hair who would change it to purple whenever Harry held him. A kid who learned how to ride a broom not long after he learned how to walk. He thought about the promises he made at graves for the boy's parents. I'll protect him like he's my own. I'll love him like he's my own. Harry had lived up to that promise. Teddy, just like Al and Lily had been hurt in this war. Taken, violated, betrayed by people they trusted. Why? Because they were his, and he failed to protect them.

He thinks about the first time he held Al and gave him a name too big for such a little boy to carry. The first time he crawled into bed with him and Ginny because of a nightmare. He remembers first words, and that conversation at the train station about how it didn't matter what house he was sorted into.

He thinks about when he held his daughter for the first time. How she was all smiles and a mess of red hair. That tiny fist that closed around his finger and he knew in that moment this little girl owned him heart and soul. Her eagerness to grow up and be like her brothers. His desire to lock her away to protect her.

Protection. That was a joke.

Quiet that heart, Potter.

He could do no such thing.

Harry thinks about his eldest son who tries so hard to help hold the family together. How he struggles with the responsibilities of being the eldest. How so far it's been James who has managed to be untouched. The fear grips at him that it will be James who is next. It was easier when it was just his life in the balance. When he was the only one that Albus was using in this war that Harry is unable to understand. But there is a new generation now. Teddy, James, Al, Lily, and all of his nieces and nephews. All of those students walking the halls murmuring about rumors and legends of students that grew up to be professors. He thinks about that new godchild that Luna is carrying and wonders if any of them will manage to live long enough to see him or her born.

There is too much to think about and he's reached his destination. So he climbs up the stairs and finds the old bed, falls back on it and sends one more patronus to his dad and godfather.

"Shrieking shack. Please come and find me."

With that he covers his face with his hands and tries to think of nothing at all.

sirius black, james potter, after 19 years later, roleplay, harry potter

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